Circle() draws a circle with the center point and radius given. Subsequent arguments specify additional radii.
win = New Window( "Circles",
	Graph Box( Frame Size( 200, 200 ),
		Circle( {50, 50}, 10, 12, 25 )
Circle() also has a final optional argument, "fill". This string indicates that all circles defined in the function are filled with the current fill color. If "fill" is omitted, the circle is empty.
Drawing Circles
win = New Window( "Circles",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 200, 200 ),
		Circle( {50, 50}, Pixel Radius( 10 ), Pixel Radius( 12 ), Pixel Radius( 25 ) )
Rect() draws a rectangle from the diagonal coordinates you specify. The coordinates can be specified either as four arguments in order (left, top, right, bottom), or as a pair of lists ({left, top}, {right, bottom}).
win = New Window( "Rectangles",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 200, 200 ),
		Pen Color( 1 );
		Rect( 0, 40, 60, 0 );
		Pen Color( 3 );
		Rect( 10, 60, 70, 10 );
		Pen Color( 4 );
		Rect( 50, 90, 90, 50 );
		Pen Color( 5 );
		Rect( 0, 80, 70, 70 );
Rect() has an optional fifth argument, fill. Specify 0 to get an unfilled rectangle and 1 to get a filled rectangle. The default value for fill is 0. The rectangle is filled with the current fill color.
win = New Window( "Framed Rectangle",
	Graph Box( Frame Size( 200, 200 ), Rect( 0, 40, 60, 0, -1 ) )
Oval() draws an oval inside the rectangle given by its x1, y1, x2, and y2 arguments:
win = New Window( "Ovals",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 200, 200 ),
		Pen Color( 1 );
		Oval( 0, 40, 60, 0 );
		Pen Color( 3 );
		Oval( 10, 60, 70, 10 );
		Pen Color( 4 );
		Oval( 50, 90, 90, 50 );
		Pen Color( 5 );
		Oval( 0, 80, 70, 70 );
Oval() also has an optional fifth argument, fill. Specify 0 to get an unfilled rectangle and 1 to get a filled oval. The default value for fill is 0. The oval is filled with the current fill color.
Rectangles and Ovals, Unfilled and Filled shows rectangles and ovals, drawn both filled and unfilled. Notice that filled rectangles do not have outlines. Ovals do have outlines. If you want a filled rectangle with an outline, you must draw the filled rectangle and then draw an unfilled rectangle with the same coordinates.
Rectangles and Ovals, Unfilled and Filled

Help created on 9/19/2017