Note: The Prior Communality Estimates table only appears if the Common Factor Analysis (diagonals = SMC) option is selected.
Prior Communality Estimates
Eigenvalues of the Reduced Correlation Matrix indicates that the first two factors account for 100% of the common variance. This pattern suggests that you might not need more than two factors to model your data.
Eigenvalues of the Reduced Correlation Matrix
Use the slider and value to Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than the specified value in the table. Suppressed values appear dimmed according to the setting specified by Dim Text.
Use the Dim Text slider and value to control the table’s font transparency gradient for factor values less in absolute value than the specified Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than value.
Note: The Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than value and Dim Text value are the same values used in the Rotated Factor Loading table. Changes to one loading table’s settings changes the settings in the other loading table.
Unrotated Factor Loading
Rotation Matrix
Target Matrix
Factor Structure
Final Communality Estimates
Standard Score Coefficients
Variance Explained by Each Factor
If you select Maximum Likelihood as the factoring method, the results of two Chi-square tests are provided.
The first test is for H0: No common factors. This null hypothesis indicates that none of the common factors are sufficient to explain the intercorrelations among the variables. This test is Bartlett’s Test for Sphericity, whose null hypothesis is that the correlation matrix of the factors is an identity matrix (Bartlett, 1954).
The second test is for H0: N factors are sufficient, where N is the specified number of factors. Rejection of this null hypothesis indicates that more factors might be required to explain the intercorrelations among the variables (Bartlett, 1954).
The tests in Significance Test indicate that the common factors already included in the model explain some of the intercorrelations, but that more factors are needed.
Note: The Significance Test table only appears if the Maximum Likelihood factoring method option is selected.
Significance Test
Use the slider and value to Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than the specified value in the table. Suppressed values appear dimmed according to the setting specified by Dim Text.
Use the Dim Text slider and value to control the table’s font transparency gradient for factor values less in absolute value than the specified Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than value.
Note: The Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than value and Dim Text value are the same values used in the Unrotated Factor Loading table. Changes to one loading table’s settings changes the settings in the other loading table.
Rotated Factor Loading
Factor Loading Plot
Note that in the Factor Loading Plot, Factor 1 relates to the Carbon Tetrachloride-Chloroform-Benzene-Hexane cluster of variables, and Factor 2 relates to the Ether–1-Octanol cluster of variables. See the matrix of Rotated Factor Loading for details.
Score Plot

Help created on 9/19/2017