Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Companies.jmp.
Select the Type column by clicking once on the column heading.
Select Cols > Recode.
In the Recode window, enter the desired values in the New Value boxes. For this example, enter Technical in the Computer row, and Drug in the Pharmaceutical row.
Click Done and select the In Place option from the menu.
Recode Window
Note: If you enter a non-numeric value in a column with a Numeric data type, you are prompted to convert the data type to Character. Click Yes to convert the column and display the new value. Click No to keep the column Numeric and display a missing value.
When you are finished recoding data, click Done to view the following options:
becomes active when multiple values are selected. Click Group to make highlighted values part of the same group. If you previously edited a value before grouping, the edited value becomes the group representative in the New Value column. Otherwise, the group representative is the value that occurs most often.
right-click selected values to select a different grouping value, or group representative. The Group To command displays the Old Values that occur most often in the data table with their corresponding New Values (if they are different). The list displays the first 8 possible group representatives.
when two values are highlighted, select Swap New Values to make the new value of the first value adopt the new value of the second value, and vice versa.
right-click a single value from a group and select Make Representative to make the selected value the New Value.
Select the following Group Similar Values commands to increase the accuracy of grouping:
Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Candy Bars.jmp.
Select the Name column.
Select Cols > Recode.
Select the Max Character Difference option and type “6”.
Grouped by Character Difference
Right-click Almond Roca and select Make Representative to change the new value to represent a different value within the group.
Make Representative
Click Done > In Place to replace the original data with the recoded data in the table.
Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Candy Bars.jmp.
Select the Name column.
Select Cols > Recode.
Select the Difference Ratio option and type “.5”.
Grouped by Difference Ratio
From the red triangle menu, select Done > New Column to save the recoded data in a new column in the data table.

Help created on 9/19/2017