Add db2 to the display tree after db.
Captures db as a picture object. The scale is a factor of the original picture size. For example, Scale(2) makes the picture object twice as large.
Consider including the new message <<Update Window rather than including Wait(0). The problem with using Wait(n) is knowing how large n should be.
Many display box messages, such as <<Set Text, automatically mark the box as invalid, so the <<Inval message is usually unnecessary. Some interactive scripts that use sliders with JSL callbacks may need <<Update Window to keep various parts of the display synchronized with the slider.
Add db2 to the display tree before db.
Saves the display box as a graphic to the specified "path" in the specified "format". The optional Add Sibling argument adds the number of sibling display boxes to include in the capture. The default value is 1, which captures only the specified display box. Note that the specified portion of the report is not guaranteed to be scrolled into view or unobstructed by other windows. If the display box is not visible, the saved graphic will not contain the contents that you expect.
The quoted location of the saved file. You must include the .pptx extension in the filename. An existing file with the same name is overwritten.
n inserts the slides as the nth slide number.
"Begin " inserts the slides at the beginning of the presentation.
"End" inserts the slides at the end of the presentation.
"None" omits the slide title above the graphic and the outline titles.
"Hide" omits the outline titles.
"TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight" determine the position of the outline titles on the slide. The outline title and its parent titles are included.
Optional. The quoted format of the embedded graphics. Options are "Native", "EMF", "PNG", "JPG", "BMP", "GIF", "TIF". On Windows, the native format is EMF. On Macintosh, the native format is PDF. See “Notes” for compatibility issues. Without this argument, JMP applies the “Image Format for PowerPoint” General preference.
Sets the page settings. Margins are set in inches. Scale variable s is a number in the range of 10 (for 1000%) to 0.2 (for 20%) with the default as 1 (for 100%). If portrait is True the page is oriented for portrait, otherwise the page is landscape. Paper size is a string specifying the paper size, for example, "Letter" or "Legal".
In some interactive JSL scripts that combine sliders with JSL callbacks, you might need to use <<Update Window to keep parts of the display synchronized with the slider.
axis box<<Add Ref Line(number, "linestyle", <"color">, <"label">, <width>)
Adds a reference line at number in the linestyle ("Solid" | "Dashed" | "Double"), "color" (using "color name" or index number), "label", and width (in pixels) specified. Note: When a reference line is added that uses the same "label" as an existing reference line, the existing reference line is removed and the new line added.
axis box<<Decimal(width, decimalplaces)
Specifies the units used for Inc() with date/time formats: "Numeric", "Year", "Quarter", "Month", "Week", "Day", "Hour", "Minute", or "Second".
Rotates the axis label to one of the following quoted formats: "Automatic" (based on the width of the label), "Horizonal", "Vertical", "Perpendicular", "Parallel", and "Angled".
Specifies the number of minor tick marks between major tick marks.
Changes the scale of the axis to type ("Linear" | "Log" | "Exp Prob"| "Weibull Prob" | "Logistic Prob" | "Frechet Prob" | "Normal" | "Cube Root" | "Johnson Su Scale" | "Geodesic" | "Geodesic US" | "Custom Scale" | "Power").
If the type is Custom Scale, this message expects two additional clauses: Scale to Internal(expr) and Scale to External(expr).
The first (optional) integer, i, is the label row index. Leaving it out clears any existing label rows and creates one new one as specified. Including it allows you to override any particular label row; using an index higher than the current number of label rows adds a new label row on to the end.
Sets the background color for a border box. Specify a "color name" or a list of RGB values. For example:
Sets the border color for a border box. Specify a "color name" or a list of RGB values. For example:
Sets the border style for a border box. Specify the style as one of the following numbers or keywords: 0 ("Solid"), 1 ("Dotted"), 2 ("Dashed"), 3 ("DashDot"), or 4 ("DashDotDot"). For example:
An optional argument that specifies the order in which the graphics elements are drawn. The value can be the keyword Back or Forward or an integer that specifies the drawing order for a number of graphics elements. 1 means the object is drawn first.
Changes the background color. Specify a "color name" or a list of RGB values.
Forwards commands to the data table associated with the report, so that the row states of selected rows can be manipulated. For <<Row Exclude, <<Row Hide, and <<Row Label, omitting the argument toggles the option. If the option is off, the message turns it on. If the option is on, the message turns it off.
Turns the matrix into a new data table. The optional argument Invisible(), if True, hides the data table from view but shows it in the Window List pane. If False, the Invisible() argument shows the data table and it is listed in the Window List pane.
Sorts the rows of the matrix based on the column number specified by column_num. The default sort order is ascending.
If column_num is 0, the sort is removed.
If ascending_bool is "True", the sort is performed in ascending order. If ascending_bool is "False", the sort is in descending order.
Returns the current format (width, decimalplaces). A decimalplaces > 100 indicates date/time values.
Sets the format. Set decimalplaces > 100 for date/time values. Set decimalplaces = 97 for p-value format.
Sets the value of the slider. run script(0|1) controls whether an on-change script runs after the <<Set, <<Set Lower, or <<Set Upper message.
"vertical spread" and "horizontal spread" change the orientation of the tab title.
"minimize size" bases the tab style on the width of the tab title. See the Scripting Guide for an example.
Same as Make Data Table, but also searches the report for report tables with the same columns and combine all of these into the new data table.
Locks the first n columns. You cannot drag the locked columns or drag columns before them.
If the rows of the Table Box are selectable (Set Selectable Rows(True)), sets the background color for the selected rows.
Sets the color for Text strings.
Rotates the text 90 degrees "left" or "right", or returns it to the horizontal.
Invalidate the display box. The window updates either when the <<Update Window message is sent or when the operating system has time for the update. See <<Reshow for another method.
Turns padding around a window’s contents on (1) or off (0). The default value is off.
Invalidates the display box and updates the window with the new content. See <<Inval and <<Update Window messages if more control over timing of the update is required.