To produce the report shown in Initial Degradation Report, follow the steps below using the GaAs data table. This table is from Meeker and Escobar (1998) and contains measurements of the percent increase in operating current taken on several gallium arsenide lasers. When the percent increase reaches 10%, the laser is considered to have failed.
Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Reliability/GaAs
Select Analyze > Reliability and Survival > Degradation.
Select Current and click Y, Response.
Select Hours and click Time.
Select Unit and click Label, System ID.
Initial Degradation Report
An overlay plot of the Y, Response variable versus the Time variable. In this example, the plot is of Current versus Hours. The Overlay plot red triangle menu has the Save Estimates option, which creates a new data table containing the estimated slopes and intercepts for all units.
The Residual Plot tab. There is a single residual plot with all the units overlaid, and a separate residual plot for each unit. The Save Residuals option on the red triangle menu saves the residuals of the current model to a new data table. The red-triangle menu has the following options:
Save Residuals saves the residuals of the current model to a new data table.
Jittering adds random noise to the points in the time direction. This is useful for visualizing the data if there are a lot of points clustered together.
Separate Groups adds space between the groups to visually separate the groups. This option appears only when an X variable is specified on the platform launch window.
Jittering Scale is used to change the magnitude of the jittering and group separation.