Component Curves
Elements of the ICC Display
Information Plot
JMP shows this correspondence with a dual plot. The dual plot for this example is shown in Dual Plot.
Dual Plot
This example shows a wide range of abilities. Q10 is rated as difficult, with an examinee needing to be around half a standard deviation above the mean in order to have a 50% chance of correctly answering the question. Other questions are distributed at lower ability levels, with Q11 and Q4 appearing as easier. There are some questions that are off the displayed scale (Q7 and Q14).
Parameter Estimates
Is the b parameter from the model. A histogram of the difficulty parameters is shown beside the difficulty estimates.
Is the a parameter from the model, shown only for 2PL and 3PL models. A histogram of the discrimination parameters is shown beside the discrimination estimates.
Is the c parameter from the model, shown only for 3PL models.