Using the Process Capability red triangle menu, you can add individual detail reports, normalized box plots, and summary reports. The red triangle menu also has options for identifying out-of-spec values in your data table, creating a summary data table, changing the display order of analyzed columns, and saving out spec limits. These options are described in Process Capability Platform Options.
You can change the default report at File > Preferences > Platforms > Process Capability. Follow the instructions in Example of the Process Capability Platform to produce the report shown in Default Results for Semiconductor
Default Results for Semiconductor
The Goal Plot shows, for each variable, the spec-normalized mean shift on the x-axis, and the spec-normalized standard deviation on the y-axis. It is useful for getting a quick, summary view of how the variables are conforming to specification limits. By default, the Goal Plot shows only those points for each column that are calculated using the overall sigma. Hold your cursor over each point to view the variable name and the sigma type used to calculate the point. See Goal Plot for details about the calculation of the coordinates for the Goal Plot.
When you select Shade Levels from the Goal Plot red triangle menu, shaded areas appear within the goal plot triangle. See Goal Plot. The shaded areas are described as follows, with p representing the value shown in the Ppk edit box:
JMP gives the Goal Plot in terms of Ppk values by default. You can change this preference at File > Preferences > Platforms > Process Capability. When the AIAG (Ppk) Labeling preference is unchecked, all of the Ppk labeling is changed to Cpk labeling, including the label of the slider under the goal plot.
The Goal Plot red triangle menu has the following options:
Goal Plot shows the Goal Plot for the entire data set for the Semiconductor sample data table after selecting Shade Levels and Show Within Sigma Points from the Goal Plot red triangle menu.
Goal Plot
Capability Box Plot
Capability Box Plot shows the Capability Box Plots for the Semiconductor sample data table as described in Example of the Process Capability Platform. The Capability Box Plots displays dotted green lines drawn at ±0.5. For a process with a target that is centered between its specification limits, the dotted green lines represent the standardized specification limits.
This plot is useful for comparing variables with respect to their specification limits. For example, in Capability Box Plot, the majority of points for IVP1 are above its USL, and the majority of its points for IVP2 are less than its target. PNP2 seems to be on target with all data points in the specification limits.