Select Derivative from the menu. Using the Derivative Option shows the completion of these steps.
Using the Derivative Option
Select Simplify from the menu that appears, as shown in Selecting Simplify (Left) Produces a Simplified Formula (Right).
Selecting Simplify (Left) Produces a Simplified Formula (Right)
To suppress formula evaluation, click the red triangle menu above the keypad and select Suppress Eval. When evaluation is suppressed, the formula icon appears dimmed .
Note: The Apply button ignores the formula evaluation setting. Therefore, when formula evaluation is suppressed, clicking the Apply button overrides the suppression and evaluates the formula before it is applied to the column.
Once you construct a formula and click OK, JMP checks behind the formula for error and alerts you of any errors that it finds. An error message appears for each error and asks whether you want to ignore further errors.
While in the Formula Editor, you can see the value of any expression within a formula with the Evaluate command. For column variables, you get the value at row 1. This is also true for parameters and expressions that evaluate to a constant value. To view values:
Select Evaluate. The current value of the selected expression appears in a box until you move the cursor.
You have the option of entering or changing any part of a formula in text mode. Text mode displays the formula in JMP Scripting Language (JSL). The entire formula (or any of its terms) appears in text mode when you double-click the white space inside the boxed formula area. The elements of that box appear as plain text and you can then edit the formula as you would in any text editor.
Any element of a formula can be displayed as a scripting command and then edited. After editing formula scripting commands, click outside the formula to see its formatted form. For example, the text for the standardization of weight is (:weight – Col Mean(:weight)) / Col Std Dev(:weight). To enter an If statement in text form, add pairs of arguments for each If/Then clause in the statement, and a single last argument for the else clause if needed. In text form, the If statement in An If Statement in Formula Mode looks like this: If(:total!=0, (:count/:total)*100, 0).
An If Statement in Formula Mode