my list = {1, 2, 3};
your list = List( 4, 5, 6) ;
my matrix = [3 2 1, 0 -1 -2];
If( Y < 20, X = Y );
Table Box( String Col Box( "Age", a ) );
y = 10;
	Y < 20, X = Y,
	X = 20
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
Parentheses also mark the end of a function name, even when arguments are not needed. For example, the Pi function has no arguments. However, the parentheses are required so that JMP can identify Pi as a function.
Note: Be careful that parentheses match. Every ( needs a ), or errors result.
i = 0;
j = 2;
If( x < 5, y = 3; z++; );
The semicolon is equivalent to the Glue() function. See Operators for more information about semicolons and Glue().
To have double quotes inside a quoted string, precede each quotation mark with the escape sequence \! (backslash-bang). For example, run the following script and look at the title of the window:
New Window( "\!"Hello\!" is a quoted string.",
	Text Box( Char( Repeat( "*", 70 ) ) )


Sometimes, long passages require a lot of escaped characters. In these cases, use the notation \[...]\ and everything between the brackets does not need or support escape sequences. Here is an example where \[...]\ is used inside a double-quoted string.
jslPhrase = "The JSL to do this is :\[
	a = "hello";
	b = a|| " world.";
	]\ and you use the Submit command to run it.";