Beschreibende Statistik und explorative Datenanalyse
Medical Malpractice
Descriptive Statistics, Graphics, and Exploratory Data Analysis
Using descriptive statistics and graphical displays, explore claim payment amounts for medical malpractice lawsuits and identify factors that appear to influence the amount of the payment.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Rows > Hide and Rows > Exclude, Graph > Pareto Plot, dynamic plot linking, Rows > Data Filter, Analyze > Fit Y by X (Oneway), and Graph > Graph Builder
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histogram, summary statistics, bar chart and frequency distributions, Pareto Plot, pie chart, and box plots.
Baggage Complaints
Descriptive Statistics and Time Series Plots
Compare the baggage complaints for three airlines: American Eagle, Hawaiian, and United. Using descriptive statistics and time series plots, explore differences between the airlines, whether complaints are getting better or worse over time, and if there are other factors, such as destinations, seasonal effects or the volume of travelers that might affect baggage performance.
JMP features demonstrated:
Graph > Graph Builder, Tables > Tabulate, Formula Editor and Rows > Data Filter
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Time series plots, summary statistics, and calculating rates.
Defect Sampling
Sampling Distributions and Sampling Error
Explore the effectiveness of different sampling plans in detecting changes in the occurrence of manufacturing defects.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Tables > Tabulate, and Graph > Overlay Plot
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Histograms, summary statistics, and time series plots.
Film on the Rocks
Bar Charts, Cross-Tabulations and Mosaic Plots
Use survey results from a summer movie series to answer questions regarding customer satisfaction, demographic profiles of patrons, and the use of media outlets in advertising.
JMP features demonstrated:
Analyze > Distribution, Columns > Recode, setting value labels, Rows > Missing Data Patterns, and Analyze > Fit Y by X (Contingency)
Statistical/Graphical Tools Used:
Bar charts and frequency distributions, addressing data quality issues, mosaic plots and contingency tables (cross-tabulations), and chi-squared tests.
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