What can JMP® bring to Siemens?


JMP Statistical Discovery Software from SAS allows industry leaders like Siemens to get the most out of data exploration, create more reliable products, optimize designs, improve processes and enhance services in all sectors of business including power, water, healthcare, transportation and automation.

JMP products have the potential to create especially high value at Siemens in part and system reliability as well as predictive modeling and data mining. Some highlights:

  • Specialized product reliability features help prevent failure and improve warranty performance.
  • Design of experiments in JMP offers a proven and practical approach for exploring and exploiting multifactor opportunities.
  • JMP has a set of modeling utilities that address common data issues upfront and includes a rich set of sophisticated algorithms for building better models with messy data. And the Text Explorer platform allows you to get insight from unstructured data.
  • The JMP Graph Builder enables you to create compelling interactive graphs that help uncover relationships and identify areas for further analysis.
  • With its easy to use interface, JMP works natively on both Macintosh and Windows.

Info kit includes:


Analytically Speaking: Quality Techniques  

Award-winning authors Brenda Ramírez and José G. Ramírez discuss how traditional quality techniques – when updated with the latest advances in analytics and data visualization – can help you gain new insights about processes, products and services.


Dow Enhances Reliability With JMP Analytics

Six Sigma methods have helped Dow's 7,500 JMP Pro users add “billions and billions” of dollars in value.


Improving Processes with Statistical Models

Discover best practices to interactively explore the patterns in your data, build useful statistical models of the important patterns of variation, and visually interact with these models to communicate with colleagues and drive key improvement opportunities.

See how JMP makes discovery faster, easier, and more interactive. Register for a free info kit.
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