How Design of Experiments Can Transform the Way We Innovate

Executive Chair, The Trinity Challenge
Dame Sally Davies is the Master of Trinity College Cambridge, Executive Chair of the Trinity Challenge, former Chief Medical Officer for England, and was the Chief Medical Adviser to the UK government from 2011 to 2019. An advocate for the use of data to help predict and manage future public health crises, Dame Sally shares about the need for data analysis to help make better informed decisions.

Distinguished Fellow and the CMC Modelling and Statistics Lead at Moderna
Julia O’Neill is a Distinguished Fellow and the CMC Modelling and Statistics Lead at Moderna, and played a key role in the development on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.
In her talk, learn how Moderna achieved the democratization of statistics and how that enabled scientists and engineers to integrate statistical practice into their daily work to achieve accelerated outcomes. O’Neill also shares guidance for exploiting data and collecting new data where needed to drive better decisions faster, as well as presenting tips for success, including advice on statistical upskilling.
Panel Discussion
Find inspiration in analytics success stories from Moderna, Roche Diagnostics and CPI
Data-guided decision making is the new way of operating. In this panel discussion, industry leaders discuss how to better inform decisions by exploiting existing data with the use of DOE, risks for companies that aren’t working toward adopting data analytics and DOE, and give examples of how to enable and motivate employees to gain skills and confidence to apply data analytics and DOE.
You’ll hear from:
Julia O’Neill, CMC Modelling and Statistics Lead, Moderna
Andrea Geistanger, Head of Systems Data Analytics, Roche Diagnostics
Rachel Findlay, Senior Data Scientist, CPI
Register to watch the panel discussion
"A growing number of us see the many benefits of DOE – from increasing our productivity, to providing us with more career options because of the successes we generate, to accelerating time to market. The debate is moving from why use DOE to how to empower more of our colleagues to apply DOE. This gives you a taster of what you will learn to help you get going with DOE or to help more colleagues get going with DOE. Watch the keynotes and full panel discussion to get more tips."