Course Materials

Licensing JMP® for Faculty

The Academic Suite annual license is ideal for classrooms, labs, distance learning, and other educational settings. Whether used for an individual professor’s course(s) or lab, an entire department, or across campus, the Academic Suite license provides unlimited access to faculty and students.

Your university may have a license.

Licensing Options

JMP® Student Edition

Single-user 12-month student license

JMP Student Edition is a free classroom version of JMP software for both Windows and Mac that provides all the statistical analysis and graphical tools that are covered in many courses, ranging from introductory to advanced.

JMP Student Edition is based on features in JMP Pro. The software is available as a single-user 12-month license and offered for classroom use in colleges and universities, as well as high schools (students and faculty only). JMP also provides educators and students with teaching and learning resources, including step-by-step guides, enhanced data sets, and case studies, as well as on-demand webinars and learning modules from our STIPS course.

Available for free at, or see a listing of textbooks.

Academic Suite License - Multi User

JMP® Pro

JMP® products: Designed to meet diverse academic needs

  • JMP Student Edition

    JMP Student Edition is designed to meet the needs of introductory and most intermediate statistics courses offered at secondary and post-secondary academic institutions.

  • JMP Pro

    JMP Pro includes all of the features of JMP, plus advanced modeling techniques used in research methods, machine learning, and predictive modeling courses.

  • JMP Live

    JMP Live is collaborative analytics software for enterprisewide knowledge sharing. The one place to share analyses from JMP to a secure, centralized hub of innovation, JMP Live changes how discoveries are shared.

  • JMP Clinical

    JMP Clinical combines JMP Pro and JMP add-ins to simplify and facilitate data discovery, analysis, and reporting in clinical trials.