Statistics With JMP®: Graphs, Descriptive Statistics and Probability

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In this book, authors Peter Goos and David Meintrup clearly explain introductory statistics and probability theory with step-by-step examples and screenshots using JMP software. They provide an accessible and thorough overview of the most important descriptive statistics for nominal, ordinal and quantitative data, with particular attention to graphical representations. Readers will develop an understanding of both the statistical theory and its applications.

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In Chapter 2, “Data and Its Representation,” you will learn about:

  • Types of data and measurement scales.
  • The data matrix.
  • Representing univariate qualitative variables.
  • Representing univariate quantitative variables.
  • Representing bivariate data.
  • Representing time series.
  • The use of maps.
  • More graphical capabilities.
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