Seamless data access. Accelerated problem solving.
- Quick and easy data access no matter the data source: Excel, files, databases, API's, R, Python, SAS and more.
- Self-service data extracts with just a few clicks - no need for code, your IT department, or your DBA.
- Data imported into JMP is preformatted and optimized to visualize, explore and analyze - saving you valuable time and effort.
Import data
- Text
- Excel
- Multiple files
- R
- Python
Query database
- Data warehouse
- Data lake
- Data historian
Web data access
- Internet open
- Google Sheets
Data connector
- Custom data interface
- OSIsoft PI connector
Analysis that in the past required days of work to integrate data from different systems can now be done in minutes, fostering innovation through data... Without JMP I believe we would have continued to make incremental improvements, but not realized the same level of business impact.
Fabrizio Ruo Redda
Senior R&D Manager, Vishay

JMP® Analytic Capabilities
See everything that JMP® can do for you and your organization, from data access and cleaning, to exploration and visualization, all the way through sharing and communicating your results.