Output Overview Descriptions | Clinical Reports | AE Time to Event (One ARM)

AE Time to Event (One ARM)
The AE Time to Event process screens all adverse events by performing log-rank and Wilcoxon tests between treatment groups. The time to first occurrence of the adverse event is used as the response.
Running this process with the Nicardipine Early Snapshot sample setting generates the tabbed Results window shown below. Refer to the AE Time to Event process description for more information. Output from the process is organized into sections. Each tab contains one or more plots, data panels, data filters, or other elements that facilitate your analysis.
The Results window contains the following panes:
Results Section
This pane enables you to access and view the output plots and associated data sets on each tab. Use the drop-down menu to view the section in the Results pane or remove the section and its contents from the Results pane.
The following sections are generated by this process:
Survival Means and Standard Errors : Presents a simple standard error versus mean plot for survival.
Drill Down Buttons
Drill down buttons provide you with an easy way to drill down into your data.
The following drill down buttons are generated by this process:
Kaplan-Meier and Hazard Plots : Click Kaplan-Meier and Hazard Plots to generate individual Kaplan-Meier and hazard curves for selected events.
Click View Data to view the associated data table. Refer to View Data for more information.
Click Reopen Dialog to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.
Click Create Report to generate a standardized pdf - or rtf -formatted report containing the plots and charts of selected sections.
Click Add Notes to take notes, and store them in a central location. Refer to Add Notes for more information.
Click View Notes to read user-generated notes. Refer to View Notes for more information.
Click Close All to close all graphics windows and underlying data sets associated with the output.
Note : For information about how treatment emergent adverse events (TEAEs) are defined in JMP Clinical, please refer to Determining If an Event Is a Treatment Emergent Adverse Event .