Output Tab Descriptions | Clinical | Subgroup Clustering

Subgroup Clustering
The Sex = F, Race = WHITE subgroup clustering tab is shown below:
This tab contains the following elements:
A Box Plot showing all pairwise distances between white females across all sites. Smaller distances indicate individuals that are more similar based on pre-dose information selected for use from the dialog . Using the data filter to subset to pairs with a small age, height and weight difference, we can highlight them in the hierarchical clustering profile or examine in the data table to assess similarity.
A Dendrogram showing the Hierarchical Clustering performed to identify subsets of subjects that might be very similar; for example, a subject that has attended at least 3 sites. Points indicating highly similar pairs of subjects can be selected from the box plot , and these rows can be highlighted in the clustering heat map.
See Local Data Filter in the JMP documentation for more information.