Output Tab Descriptions | Clinical | Tests by Study Day

Tests by Study Day
The Tests by Study Day tab is shown below.
It contains the following elements:
One Scatterplot Matrix of Peak Liver Lab Tests per Subject by Study Day .
For each of the four liver tests, peak values are shown on the y -axis for each subject, for each Study Day ( LBDY on the x -axis). Points are colored by treatment group. Reference lines are drawn according to typical reference limits (or those custom reference lines specified on the process dialog ).
In this example, you can inspect peak liver lab test values occurring on any study day of specimen collection, corresponding to the Nicardipine or Placebo planned treatment. Mouse over any point to view the corresponding unique subject identifier.
You can select points in the graph and their corresponding rows in the data table become selected. Click View Data to see the data table reflecting any selections that you have made.
One Data Filter .
Use the data filter to subset the scatterplot matrix and associated data table by any of the available criteria. For example, you could filter the data by females between 40 and 50 years old. Drag the Age slider ends, or type over minimum and maximum age values to obtain an exact age range. The number of matching rows, selected graph points, and data table selections are updated accordingly.
Note : This tab uses a different data set than the Hy’s Law Screening , Scatterplots , and Distributions tabs, so selections that you make on this tab are not linked to the others. The Data Filter on this tab is also independent of any other Data Filter found elsewhere.