Output Tab Descriptions | Clinical | Treatment Time Trends

Treatment Time Trends
The Treatment Time Trends tab is shown below:
The Treatment Time Trends tab contains the following elements:
A set of Treatment Level Time Trend Plots
If findings test category ( xxCAT ) exists (where xx represents the two letter domain abbreviation -- for example, LB ), these plots are first ordered by xxCAT . Next, if findings test subcategory ( xxSCAT ) exists, plots are secondarily ordered by xxSCAT . If xxCAT is missing, plots are ordered by test short name ( xxTESTCD ), which is required. Findings tests with a missing xxCAT value are assigned to the “ OTHER ” category.
Note : Findings tests with a missing numeric result ( xxSTRESN ), as well as those taken on only one day, are excluded from these plots.
Tip : You can collapse categories (and simultaneously exclude them from any report that you create) by clicking on the gray triangles located to the left of the category labels.
Each plot displays the means of the measurements taken across time for each treatment arm in a study for a quantitative findings test. The value of xxTEST (where xx represents the two letter domain abbreviation -- for example, LB ) is displayed in the outline box for each plot, and the test short name ( xxTESTCD ) is displayed along with the measurement units (where applicable) on the y -axis. The y -axis can represent the observed test result, the change from baseline, percent change from baseline, or percent of baseline, depending on the selection made for the Plot findings measurements as: parameter on the process dialog . Time, as either Study Day, Study Week, or Visit, is plotted on the x -axis (according to your Time Scale selection). Time trend lines connect the points of measurement; each marker point represents the average findings measurement for subjects belonging to that treatment arm at the measured time point.
The y -axis can optionally be displayed with log scaling (this is very useful for interpreting laboratory findings). In addition, you can choose to compute and show standard error bars at each measured time point for each treatment group. These standard error bars can be helpful in visualizing significantly different measurements for a findings test at certain time points. Note that standard error calculations depend heavily on the number of measured subjects at a specific time point. These plotting options are found on the Output tab of the process dialog.
The time trend lines are interactive . Selecting a line selects all subjects belonging to the treatment group the selected line represents. You can then use the drill down buttons to profile, cluster, or show these subjects or to create a subject filter to do further analysis only with the selection of subjects. Selecting a treatment time trend line also selects and highlights all the individuals' subject time trend lines on the accompanying Subject Time Trends tab that is part of the output from this process.