JMP Clinical Basics | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access the Help system in JMP Clinical?
Where do I find the Trouble Shooting section of the JMP Clinical Help system?
How does JMP Clinical handle date and time information?
How does JMP Clinical handle partial or incomplete date and time information?
How does JMP Clinical identify domains included in a study?
How do I configure JMP Clinical to access data from SAS Drug Development (SDD)?
How does JMP Clinical know where to find my studies?
How can I change the location of and share my studies with other users?
How does JMP Clinical handle non-unique Findings test names?
How does JMP Clinical perform Crossover Analysis?
How does JMP Clinical define various terms for risk-based monitoring?
How are risk thresholds defined?
How do I access the Help system in JMP Clinical?
The JMP Clinical Help system can be accesses from several paths.
Click any of the “ ? ” links in the analysis dialogs to access the relevant Help page for a particular term or specification.
Click the Process Description link at the top of any analysis dialog to see a description of the analysis, including requirements.
Click the Output Description link at the top of any output dashboard to see a detailed description of tabs, drill downs, output data sets, follow-up processes , general action buttons, or any other feature on the dashboard.
To find specific information within the Help system, use either the Table of Contents , the Index , or the Search options, as shown below:
Where do I find the Trouble Shooting section of the JMP Clinical Help system?
The Trouble Shooting section of the Help is found in the Appendixes .
How does JMP Clinical handle date and time information?
Times and dates are an integral part of the data generated in all clinical trials. At least one timing variable must be included in all SDTM subject-level domain data sets. Time and date variables are numerically formatted according to the following ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss , where
YYYY is the four-digit year,
MM is the two-digit month (values rage from 01-12),
DD is the two-digit day (values range from 01-31),
hh is the two-digit hour (values range from 00-23)
mm is the two-digit minutes (values range from 00-59), and
ss is the two-digit seconds (values range from 00-59).
Additional, allowable characters include
T, which indicates that time information is included (omitted if no time component is included),
- , which either separates the date elements or can be used to indicate missing date components
: , which separates time elements,
/ , which can be used to separate the date components from the time components, and
P , which serves as a duration indicator and precedes the date/time components representing the duration of an event or intervention.
Note : Spaces are never allowed in any ISO 8601-formatted representations of dates/times.
Dates and times can be and are expressed as complete dates/times, partial date/times, or incomplete date/times. JMP Clinical recognizes each of these elements and handles partial or incomplete dates/times as described in the separate FAQ: How does JMP Clinical handle partial or incomplete date and time information?
How does JMP Clinical identify domains included in a study?
Domains are evaluated for SDTM folder and ADaM folder. Domains from SDTM folder are named using the 2 letter code XX , where XX . can be any two letters. For example, the domain containing adverse event data is AE (the data set name).
Domains from ADAM always contain AD as the first two letters of the domain name. ADSL is constant, while other letters following the AD identify the specific domain. For example, ADAE is the ADaM domain AE .
Domains are classified as findings if XXTESTCD is present, interventions if XXTRT is present, or events if XXDECOD is present. If domain type cannot be identified for a given folder, the domain is ignored.
In addition, Basic Data Structure (BDS) is supported for ADAM. If PARAMCD and either AVAL or AVALC are present, the domain is considered a findings domain. If other variables are present as above and the domain type cannot be identified, it is ignored. This is true even if XXTESTCD is present since it would not be clear whether to transform ADaM variables or use SDTM variables for the domain.
Once domains are selected for each folder, each domain is represented by one data set. If a domain is present in both ADAM and SDTM, the ADAM domain takes precedence.
How do I configure JMP Clinical to access data from SAS Drug Development (SDD)?
You must first obtain both the url of your SAS Drug Development server and your user name and password from your system administrator before you can configure JMP Clinical for SDD.
You must modify the system.clinical.prefereneces file that is found in all of your local and shared configurations in order to access SDD. Locate the file in the configuration that you want to use to access SDD (the default local location for this file is the C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences directory) and proceed as follows:
Open the system.clinical.prefereneces file with a text editor.
The file shown below opens. The text to be modified is highlighted.
To enable SDD, change “enabled” => 0 to “enabled” => 1 .
To specify the url of the SDD server, replace the italicized text in the following “URL” => “ https://server/SDD with the url for your SDD server.
Note : You must include the quotation marks as shown in the text above. Entries are case-sensitive.
Save and close the system.clinical.prefereneces file.
How does JMP Clinical know where to find my studies?
There are two files in your JMP Clinical installation folder (normally C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences ) that tell JMP Clinical where to look for your studies and where the output data, reports, notes, and so on are to be placed.
The first of these files, installation.path.preferences tells JMP Clinical where to find the file paths to the locations of all of your studies and other need information. A portion of the default installation.path.preferences file is shown below:
Note the lines highlighted in blue. These define the user root, preferences, and output locations.
The second file, installation.configuration.preferences is shown below:
This file tells JMP Clinical where to find installation.path.preferences file for each of the locations configured for your JMP Clinical installation.
Note : There is a separate installation.path.preferences file for each local and shared configuration for JMP Clinical. Conversely, there is only one installation.configuration.preferences file.
How can I change the location of and share my studies with other users?
To set up a shared location for your studies, you must first map a location on a shared drive and then modify the installation.configuration.preferences file that is installed with JMP Clinical.
Examine the installation.configuration.file shown below:
The key statement in this file is:
[ “name” => “Local”, “installationconfigurationroot” => “$LS_HOME”]
This line defines both the name and location of the default configuration. In this case, the name of the configuration is Local and it is located in the $LS_HOME , which in the default installation is set to C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences\. This is the location shown on the JMP Clinical Settings tab, as shown below:
To add a new or existing shared location, you must copy and modify this key statement so that in defines both the name and the location of the new shared location.
Navigate to the JMP Clinical installation folder (normally C:\Program Files\SASHome\JMPClinical\12\LifeSciences ) on your local machine and open the installation.configuration.preferences file with a text editor.
[ “name” => “Local”, “installationconfigurationroot” => “$LS_HOME”], [ “name” => “Local”, “installationconfigurationroot” => “$LS_HOME”]
Change the name and location in the pasted copy to the name and location of the share. In this case the name is Share and the location is S:\Clinical Share\FullShare_20160328 . Your name and location must be enclosed by the quotation marks. The modified statement should appear as shown below:
[ “name” => “Share”, “installationconfigurationroot” => “S:\Clinical Share\FullShare_20160328”]
Note : Entries are case-sensitive.
Caution : In the example shown here, the location is specified using a mapped drive path. Locations should contain mapped drive paths only if your organization's setup guarantees that all users have the same mapped drives. If you are unsure, you should use the UNC path instead.
The modified file is shown below:
You must exit out and reopen JMP Clinical before the changes take effect.
Click the Settings tab and then on the Configuration drop-down menu.
The new “ Share ” configuration is now shown as an option.
Select Share .
You must close and reopen JMP Clinical before the new selection takes effect. If the new Share folder is an existing shared folder, studies contained within the folder are displayed on the Studies tab. If this is a new shared folder, JMP Clinical will add the necessary components for the folder to function as a shared studies folder.
Note : Anyone with Read/Write privileges on the shared drive will have access to a new shared folder. As the creator of this folder you can control level of access by changing the permissions using WinO/S commands.
How does JMP Clinical handle partial or incomplete date and time information?
When date/time values are either partial or incomplete, JMP Clinical invokes a “first moment” rule. In these cases, when a date/time component is not included in the ISO 8601 value, that value is assumed to be the first possible value. For example, if the value for an event is listed as “2013-12”, JMP Clinical assumes that the event occurred on the first day of December 2013. and assigns a day value of “01”.The resulting sort order of partial dates using the first-moment rule is the same as that of the ISO 8601 strings themselves.
Narrative findings are reported as follows:
When a partial date identified ( xxDTC for LB , EG or VS ), an asterisk (*) is appended to the end of the finding name or test code. You should review the findings for the appropriately reported set of observations.
When the reference date ( RFSTDTC ) is partial, an asterisk is appended to the AETERM . You should review all reported dates, study days, and contents for correctness.
When the AE start date ( AESTDTC ) is partial, an asterisk is appended to the date in the narrative. You should review all contents of the narrative.
When the AE end date ( AEENDTC ) is partial, an asterisk is appended to the date in the narrative. You should review the final outcome and narrative header information for correctness.
When any of the dosing records have partial dates for exstdtc or exendtc , an asterisk is placed in the drug header that explains dose at time of the event, or the pre- or post-dose status. All text related to the drug should be reviewed.
When the date of completion or discontinuation ( DSSTDTC ) is partial, an asterisk is appended to the date in the narrative. You should review these dates for correctness.
When either or both of the start or stop dates ( CMSTDTC or CMENDTC ) for Concomitant medications are partial, an asterisk is appended to the end of CMTERM or CMDECOD (based on the selected analysis option). You should review the data for this medication for correctness.
How does JMP Clinical handle non-unique Findings test names?
When running Findings reports, JMP Clinical looks for and appends the values from either xxPOS or xxSPEC to the test names in xxTESTCD and xxTEST . This enables you to analyze findings data when multiple findings test names are identical across the variables: xxTESTCD , xxPOS , and xxSPEC .
If test name values are still not unique across categories of xxCAT or xxSCAT (if they exist) after appending the prior variables, a numeric index is appended to non-unique tests so that reports can still be run and tests are not inappropriately combined.
How does JMP Clinical perform Crossover Analysis?
Refer to Crossover Analyses .
How does JMP Clinical define various terms for risk-based monitoring? 1
Subjects are considered RANDOMIZED if there is at least one record from DS where the index (( DS.DSDECOD 2 ), RANDOMIZED ) is true
Depending on the available information, subjects are considered SCREEN FAILURES if:
the value in either DM.ARM or DM.ACTARM is SCREEN FAILURE , or
the values in DS.EPOCH is SCREENING , the value in DS.DSCAT is DISPOSITION EVENT, and value in DS.DECOD is COMPLETED , or
the value in DS.DSEPOCH is SCREENING and the value in DS.DSDECOD is COMPLETED , or
To determine whether the subjects have COMPLETED the trial, a The SAS WHERE Expression can be included on the analysis dialog to select the appropriate DS records (this statement should also select the records that indicate whether a subject has alternatively DISCONTINUED or WITHDRAWN ). If this The SAS WHERE Expression is supplied and the value in DS.DSDECOD is COMPLETED , the subject is considered to have completed the trial. Otherwise, based on the available variables, the subject is considered to have completed the trial only if
the value in DS.EPOCH is TREATMENT and the value in DS.DSCAT is DISPOSITION EVENT and the value in DS.DSDECOD is COMPLETED , or
the value in DS.EPOCH is TREATMENT and the value in DS.DSDECOD is COMPLETED , or
the value in DS.DSCAT is DISPOSITION EVENT and the value in DS.DSDECOD is COMPLETED .
Subjects are considered to have DISCONTINUED or WITHDRAWN when a The SAS WHERE Expression is supplied and DS.DSDECOD is ^=COMPLETED . Otherwise, based on the available variables the subject is considered to have discontinued the trial if
the value in DS.EPOCH is TREATMENT and the value in DS.DSCAT is DISPOSITION EVENT and the value in DS.DSDECOD is ^= COMPLETED , or
the value in DS.EPOCH is TREATMENT and the value in DS.DSDECOD is ^= COMPLETED , or
the value in DS.DSCAT is DISPOSITION EVENT and the value in DS.DSDECOD is ^= COMPLETED .
Randomized subjects who have neither completed nor discontinued the trial are considered ONGOING .
Depending on the available information, subjects are considered TREATED if
Date/Time of First Study Treatment ( DM.RFXSTDTC ) is nonmissing, or
value for DM.ARM is neither SCREEN FAILURE , NOT TREATED , nor NOT ASSIGNED , or
An adverse event (AE) is considered serious (an SAE) if the value in AE.AESER is either Y or YES .
An AE is considered fatal if the value in either AE.AEOUT or is either FATAL or DEATH, or if the value in AESDTH is either Y or YES .
A subject is considered to have signed informed consent if there is a value for Date/Time of Informed Consent ( DM.RFICDTC ).
A subject is considered to have died if
the value in Date/Time of Death ( DM.DTHDTC ) is nonmissing, or
the value in DM.DTHFL is either Y or YES , or
the subject discontinued the trial with and the value in DS.DSDECOD is either DEATH or DIED or DEAD , or
the CO domain is available and a comment containing DEATH , DIED , or DEAD.
Subject discontinuations or withdrawals are separated into various reasons for discontinuation:
If the value in DS.DSDECOD is either DEATH , DIED , or DEAD , then the subject is considered to have Discontinued Due to Death , or
the CO domain is available and a comment containing DEATH , DIED , or DEAD , or
If the value in DS.DSDECOD is either LOST TO FOLLOW-UP , LOST TO FOLLOWUP , LOST TO FOLLOW UP , or LTFU , then the subject is considered to be Lost to Followup , or
If the value in DS.DSDECOD is either ADVERSE EVENT or AE , then the subject is considered to have Discontinued Due to Adverse Event , or
How are risk thresholds defined?
A risk threshold data set is used to 1) define the risk levels for individual variables for RBM analyses 2) specify the contribution of each variable to overall indicators of site risk.
In general, risk thresholds work the same for individual indicators as they do for Overall Indicators and can be defined as described below:
For the i th site or country and the j th risk indicator,
where is the mean , median or user-supplied center value . The quantity equals , , and , for Direction of Risk Signals equal to B, U, and L, respectively, and is the value for the i t h site or country and the j th risk indicator.
It is acceptable to specify both yellow and red risk thresholds, one or no risk thresholds. When specifying only a moderate threshold, the Red Percent of Center is left missing in the risk threshold data set so that moderate risk is considered . In instances where values do not meet the criteria for moderate or severe risk, the risk is considered mild (green). Note that for risk thresholds defined using the above criteria, no threshold colors are determined in instances where the mean , median or center value is calculated or set to zero.
Risk thresholds can also be defined based solely only the magnitudes of the values observed. In this case,
where the quantity is defined as described above.
In this case, it is acceptable to specify both thresholds, one threshold, or no risk thresholds at all. When specifying only a moderate threshold, the Red Magnitude is left missing in the risk threshold data set so that moderate risk is . In cases where neither moderate nor severe risk applies, the risk is considered mild (green).
There are five overall risk indicators. These are either weighted averages or combinations of the individual risk indicators for which at least one risk threshold is defined, where both the Weight for Overall Risk Indicator and the standard deviation of the indicator > 0.
The first, or Overall Risk Indicator , incorporates all of the variables meeting these criteria into a single measure that signifies the overall risk and performance of a clinical site. This indicator is generated only when the Weight for Overall Risk Indicator exceeds 0 for at least one of the available risk indicators exhibiting variability. If none of the individual indicators have a Weight for Overall Risk Indicator > 0, then the corresponding Overall Risk Indicator is not generated.
Each of the other four overall indicators - Enrollment Metrics , Disposition , Adverse Events , and Manually Entered - combines subsets of the risk indicators based on Category in the risk weight data set. By default, Category matches how variables are grouped in Risk-Based Monitoring, with Manually Entered applied to all user-supplied risk indicators from Update Study Risk Data Set . If no indicators have a Weight for Overall Risk Indicator > 0 for a given category, then the corresponding overall indicator is not provided.
The Weight for Overall Risk Indicator ( w j ) can either be missing (in this case, it is assumed to be zero) or greater than or equal to zero. The weights are self-normalizing in that each weight is divided by the sum of all weights for variables contributing to the particular overall indicator. The contribution of each indicator to an overall indicator is based on its weight, center value (either mean , median or user-provided center value , ), standard deviation ( ), and direction. In general, the value for an overall indicator for the i th site or country and the j th risk indicator is defined as , where , , or when Direction equals B,U, or L, respectively. This can be interpreted as larger values imply greater risk. By default, all weights are assumed equal to one in the Default Risk Threshold data set, meaning that each variable contributes equally to each overall indicator.

To avoid confusion in this FAQ, variables are written as domain.domain-variable . For example, USUBJID from the DM domain is written as DM.USUBJID . When a term can be applied to multiple domains, "xx" is used to imply a two-letter domain code.

Note: Although variables are listed in uppercase in this document, JMP Clinical is case insensitive.