Reports | Weekdays and Holidays

Weekdays and Holidays
This report identifies the weekday of study dates and determines whether these dates fall on major holidays.
Report Results Description
Running this report with the Nicardipine sample setting and default options generates the output shown below.
The Weekdays and Holidays report initially shows a Weekdays and Holidays Volcano Plot and the Distribution Details .
Weekdays and Holidays Volcano Plot
Compares the difference in proportions of visits on specific weekdays and holidays for each study site with the combined averages of all of the other study sites.
Note : In those instances where a study is conducted at one site only, no volcano plot is generated.
It contains the following elements:
One Data Filter .
Enables you to subset subjects based on country of origin and study site. Refer to Data Filter for more information.
The volcano plot is used to determine the deviation of the proportion of study visits at each study site that occur on specific weekdays and holidays with the overall proportions for the whole study. Those sites plotting close to 0 on both axes show little or no difference from the averages across all study sites. Those sites plotting more distally (such as site 42 in the figure above, for example) show deviation from the averages.
See Volcano Plot for more information.
Distribution Details
Summarizes several Histogram s describing characteristics of visit dates, demography dates, and medical history dates.
It contains the following elements:
Histograms detail the levels and frequencies of Holiday s, Day of Week ( Weekday ), Country of Study Site, Study Site identifier , and Date Label (whether the date refers to a Visit Date or the date Medical History or Demography information are collected).
See Distribution for more information.
One Data Filter .
Enables you to subset subjects based on country of origin, study site, and holidays and weekdays.. Refer to Data Filter for more information.
Action Buttons
Action buttons, provide you with an easy way to drill down into your data. The following action buttons are generated by this report:
Show Sites : Shows the rows of the data table for selected points (in this example, the points shown in the figure above) from the volcano plot .
Clicking opens the following table:
Visit Bar Charts : For the points selected in the volcano plot, clicking displays a bar chart comparing the percent of subjects with visits occurring on specific weekdays and holidays between selected sites versus all others. This gives the user the ability to compare just how different each site is. The following chart shows the sites/tests selected above:
Profile Subjects : Select subjects and click to generate the patient profiles. See Profile Subjects for additional information.
Show Subjects : Select subjects and click to open the ADSL (or DM if ADSL is unavailable) of selected subjects.
Cluster Subjects : Select subjects and click to cluster them using data from available covariates . See Cluster Subjects for additional information.
Demographic Counts : Select subjects and click to create a data set of USUBJID s, which subsets all subsequently run reports to those selected subjects. The currently available filter data set can be applied by selecting Apply Subject Filter in any report dialog .
Click to generate a standardized pdf - or rtf -formatted report containing the plots and charts of selected sections.
Click the Options arrow to reopen the completed report dialog used to generate this output.
Click the gray border to the left of the Options tab to open a dynamic report navigator that lists all of the reports in the review. Refer to Report Navigator for more information.
This report compares the weekend (weekend or not) or holiday (holiday or not) status of study visit dates with each site compared to all other sites taken together as a reference. Comparisons are performed using Fisher's exact test. FDR p -values are calculated and the reference line is determined as described in How does JMP Clinical calculate the False Discovery Rate (FDR)? .
Report Options
Report Option Descriptions
Specific documentation for each of the options can be viewed by clicking on the following links:
General Options
Derive visits from:
Subject Filter 1
Additional Filters
Additional Filter to Include Subjects 2
Select the population to include in the analysis

Subject-specific filters must be created using the Create Subject Filter report prior to your analysis.

For more information about how to specify a filter using this option, see The SAS WHERE Expression .