Using JMP Clinical | Reviews | Using the Review Builder

Using the Review Builder
Creating a Review Template
Click to open the Review Builder and Select Reports... windows (shown below).
The Select Reports... window lists all of the reports that are available for analyzing the specified study. This window is used to select the reports that are to be included in the review.
Note: Normally, only those reports whose domain/variable requirements are satisfied, and therefore can be run are shown. Check the Show reports unsatisfied by the current study check box to show all reports.
The Review Builder window contains all of the specified reports. There is a separate tab for each report. Initially, each tab lists the options for the analysis. You can accept the default settings or adjust them as desired. After the report(s) is run, results are shown in the tab.
The following action buttons1 are available on the Review Builder to enable you to add or delete reports and run, save, or change the review.
Add Report: Click to add a report to the review.
Open Review Template: Click to open an existing review template.
Save: There are two Save action buttons. The first is a review-level option that surfaces a drop-down menu that enables you to save either the template for the current review or the review itself. The second enables you to save the current option settings as the default selections for the report, reload any saved options, or revert to the factory-specified option settings.
Manage Tabs... Click to reorder, duplicate, or delete reports. You can also apply a saved subject filter2 to all reports in the review.
Run All Reports: Click to run all of the specified reports.
Cancel Run: Click to stop a run that is in progress.
Generate Review: Click to generate the review. Note: You must run all of the reports before you can generate a review.
Create static report for Review: Click to create a PDF, RTF, or PPT version of the Review.
Clear all report results: Click to clear the results of all of the reports.
You can reports one at a time using the tab-specific action button or all at once using .
Additional options include the following:
Explore Subjects for this study: Click to open the Subject Explorer to explore data for individual subjects.
Saving a Review Template
Once you have created a template for analyzing a study, you can save it for use in future analyses. This template can be reused either for the same study (when new data becomes available, for example) or for a different study, for which you want to use the same report options.
To save a study template:
Click the drop-down menu and select Save Template..., as shown below:
The Save Template window (shown below)3 appears.
Provide a name for your template and click OK to template with the reports and options specified
Using a Prior Template for a New Study
When you generate a review for a study, you can save the template (reports, option settings, and so on) for that review using the Save Review Template... action button (see above). Saved templates can be used again and again for new studies.
Click the drop-down menu and select Open Template..., as shown below:
The Open Review Template window (shown below)4 appears.
Select the desired template and click OK to open the Review Builder window with the reports and options specified

Note: Action buttons are active only when the requirements for their function are met.

Use the Data Filter any report to generate a filter. Click to name and save the filter. clicking

Note: By default, review templates are saved to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\SAS\JMPClinical\14\JMPC\ReviewTemplates. If you want to save your templates elsewhere, simply navigate to the correct location before clicking Save.

Note: By default, review templates are saved to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\SAS\JMPClinical\14\JMPC\ReviewTemplates and the Open Review Template window automatically opens to this folder. If your templates are located elsewhere, simply navigate to the correct location.