Parameters | Genetics | Bias correction for the additive relationship matrix

Bias correction for the additive relationship matrix
Check the box to compute the unbiased additive matrix as shown in equation 6 of Yang et al. (2010)1.
Uncheck the box to compute the additive matrix as shown in equation 4 of Yang et al. (2010) (also method 2 of VanRaden, 20082).

Yang J, Benyamin B, McEvoy BP, Gordon S, Henders AK, Nyholt DR, et al. 2010. Common SNPs explain a large proportion of the heritability for human height. Nat Genet. 42(7):565–9.

VanRaden PM. 2008. Efficient methods to compute genomic predictions. J Dairy Sci. 91(11):4414–23.