Parameters | Utilities | List of Variable Names and Lengths

List of Variable Names and Lengths
This option is available for controlling the size of the variables in the output data set.
Note: This option only becomes available once the List of Variable Names and Types option is specified.
List all variable names followed by their desired length. If a variable type is character, include a dollar sign ($) between the variable name and the desired length. Separate names by an empty space or use ranges of variables with no spaces before or after a hyphen. For example, specify
ID $5 Sex $1 Age 3 SNP1-SNP100000 $2
to set lengths of 5, 1, 3, and 2 for variables ID, Sex, Age, and all SNP1-SNP100000, respectively. Note that no parentheses are required as in the previous parameter (List of Variable Names and Types).
Lengths for numeric values can range from 3 to 8.
Leave this field empty for the system to automatically set the variable length as determined by the Number of Rows to Scan.
Refer to Base SAS documentation on the LENGTH statement for additional details.
To Specify the List of Variable Names and Lengths:
Type the appropriate line into the List of Variable Names and Lengths field.