Important Differences between JMP and JMP Genomics Dialogs

JMP Genomics dialogs function differently from standard JMP dialogs. Standard JMP dialogs invoke calculations in compiled code, whereas JMP Genomics dialogs generate a SAS program (with suffix .sas), execute it in the background, and then return results. The results typically consist of SAS data sets (also known as SAS data tables, with suffix .sas7bdat) along with a JMP scripting language file (with suffix .jsl) that automatically invokes standard JMP platforms.

An important distinction of most JMP Genomics dialogs is that they do not process open JMP data tables. Instead, they prompt you to specify one or more SAS data sets that have been created and saved in your file system. This characteristic enables you to work with very large data sets without having to open them as JMP data tables, and specify multiple SAS data sets in one process.

The creation and use of SAS data sets is described more fully in Files and Data Sets.