IBD/IBS Pairs Results

The IBD Pairs Results tab is shown below:

Note: The name of this tab will correspond to the option chosen for the Relationship Matrix to Compute parameter on the Analysis dialog tab: IBD if Identity By Descent is chosen (the default), IBS if Identity By State is chosen, or AS if Allele Sharing is chosen.

The IBD Pairs Results tab contains the following elements:

One Distribution Analysis

The IBD Pairs Results are displayed using the JMP Distribution Platform. A Histogram shows the counts/ distribution of pairs of subject that have an IBD value above the threshold specified on the dialog as well as a box plot with outliers. The quantiles and summary statistics of the distribution of IBD values for pairs of samples are also shown.

Refer to the JMP Univariate Analysis documentation for more information.

The results on this tab are useful for determining the quantity of highly related individuals in a study. Using a higher threshold can help find likely family members or when computing the IBS metric, a threshold near 1 can be used to find duplicates or genotyping errors.