Primary Delimiter Separating Annotation Categories

Specify a string enclosed in double quotation marks (“”) indicating the delimiter used to separate distinct categories in the values of the Annotation {link}{Emphasis}Category Variable.

For example, for a column of GO annotations like those typically provided by Affymetrix, specify:

" /// "

Note the following features that are necessary to properly segment the categories:

There are double quotation marks (“”) surrounding the string.
There are blanks ( ) immediately inside the double quotation marks at both ends.
There are three slashes (///) instead of two.

Note: If you leave this field blank, then each row is assigned to only one category, which is the value of the Annotation {link}{Emphasis}Category Variable.

To Specify a Primary Delimiter:

8 Type the delimiter into the text field, using an appropriate notation (as noted above).

8 If you change your mind and would like to reset the field, click .