Group Percentage for Deletion

Use this feature to specify the percentage of group statistics that must satisfy the deletion criterion before an entire row is deleted.

For example, suppose you specify NMISS GT 1 on the Delete Rows tab and a grouping variable with three groups. If you specify 66% here, then a row will be deleted if at least 2 out of the 3 groups have more than one missing value.

If you specify 100%, then all groups must satisfy the criterion.

If you specify 0%, then at least one group must satisfy the criterion.

Note: The field is not active unless at least one grouping variable has been specified in the Variables Defining Groups field.

To Specify a Group Percentage for Deletion:

8      Specify at least one grouping variable in Variables Defining Groups.
8      Either type the desired value in the text field or move the slider to the right or to the left to change the value.

Tip: To change the scale of the slider, right-click on the slider and select from the pop-up menu. Change the upper and/or lower boundaries in the window that appears, to rescale the slider and click .