Family Test Options

Use this parameter to specify other PROC FAMILY options.

Available options are described in the following table:




Specifies that a continuity correction of 0.5 should be used for the TDT, S-TDT, and RC-TDT tests in their asymptotic normal approximations.

By default, no correction is used.


Specifies that the combined versions of the S-TDT and SDT be performed. Thus, families containing parental genotypes can be analyzed under certain conditions by using the TDT; otherwise the specified sibling test is performed.

Note: If TDT is also being performed, the TDT is done independently of any other tests.

By default, the combined versions are not used.


Specifies the MAX multiallelic version of the TDT, S-TDT, SDT, and RC-TDT tests be performed.

The max version of the multiallelic tests determines whether there is at least one allele with a significant test statistic, using the maximum 1 df statistic over all alleles with a multiple testing adjustment made.

By default, the joint version of the multiallelic tests is performed.

Note: This option has no effect on biallelic markers.

To Choose One or More Family Test Options:

8 Left-click on a single test, or press and hold while left-clicking on multiple tests.

For More Information:

Refer to the SAS PROC FAMILY documentation for additional details.