Type of Weight to Use

Use this parameter to specify the type of weight to apply to the variant allele counts in the model.

Type of Weight:

Select this Option To:

Weighted Sum

Apply the weights described by Madsen and Browning (2009).

These weights are proportional to the inverse of the standard deviation of allele counts.

Annotation Weight Variable

Use other user-generated weights, such as those obtained from Polyphen-2 scores as in Price et al. (2010).

These weights can be assigned to each variant, included in the Annotation SAS Data Set.

Note: A weight variable must be specified in the Annotation Weight Variable field.


Give equal weight to each variant.

This option is only in effect for regression-based models or the CMAT model

To Specify the Type of Weight:

8 Select the desired weight by clicking within the appropriate radio button.