Estimate LSMeans for these Fixed Effects

Specify the subset of fixed effects for which to construct least squares means (LSMeans). LSMeans are the same as simple effect mean when the experimental design is balanced. When it is unbalanced, they are estimates of effect means that would have been observed if the design had been balanced. The differences between LSMeans are also computed, and these differences often represent the experimental hypotheses of interest. A separate Volcano Plot is constructed for each difference, and parallel coordinate plots and hierarchical clustering are constructed based on raw and standardized values of each LSMeans level that has a statistically significant difference.

Important: LSMeans effects must also be listed as Fixed Effects for Differential Expression, and all variables comprising them must be listed as Cluster Significant Results.

To Specify the Subset of Fixed Effects for Which to Construct LSMeans:

8 Type the fixed effects into the text field.

8 If you change your mind and would like to reset the field, click .