Workflow to Run

Use this parameter to choose settings for your workflow.

For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Genomics software, see Files and Data Sets.

To Select the Settings for Your Workflow:

8 Select the folder containing all of the settings.

Note: All of the settings for your workflow must be located in the same folder.

All of the settings files in the selected folder are displayed in the Available Settings field, as shown below:

8 Highlight specific settings and click to add the settings to the Workflow to Run field.

Note: Settings are run in the order in which they are listed in the Workflow to Run field.

A number of buttons enable you to add, remove, and manipulate the selected settings prior to cross validation:

To remove one or more settings from the Workflow to Run field, highlight the selected settings in the Workflow to Run field. The button changes to a button. Click the button to remove the selected settings.
The and buttons enable you to change the order in which the selected processes are run during the analysis.
Select any process in the Workflow to Run field and click and to move it within the list of processes.
The button opens the dialog of a highlighted process, allowing you to make specific changes to the process settings.
The button can be used to apply parameters specified in a selected setting to all other settings. Examples of parameters that can be set with this option include input data sets, the experimental design data set, and the output folder. Be aware that using this option can cause unintended changes in saved settings files. You should test any settings, so modified before running full analyses.

Note: The button, which is normally located with the other action buttons along the bottom of the dialog, has been moved to facilitate cross validation involving multiple processes, and because it functions somewhat differently in this process.

The button enables you to run the workflow using a select group of rows from the input data set to quickly validate all the input parameters. The test runs on all highlighted processes in the right panel or the entire set if none are highlighted. The input data set rows are selected using the inputs entered on the Options tab.
The button enables you to update the list of available settings, as they are created in the individual analytical processes, without having to close and reopen the Workflow Builder.
Click to remove all of the settings from the Workflow to Run field.

Note: The Output Data Set for each process must be set as the Input Data set for the next process in the workflow sequence.