Filter to Select Markers for Computing the K Matrix

The Filter to Select Markers for Computing the K Matrix field is an optional parameter that enables you to select marker variables to use for the calculation of the K matrix, based on variables in the Annotation SAS Data Set. By default, all marker variables that meet the Filter to Include Markers are used to compute the K matrix. The variable names used in this statement (for example, chromosome, Position) must exactly match those in the annotation data set.

Important: You still must specify all variables that correspond to the markers in the entire annotation data set as Marker Variables.

For example, to filter only diseased individuals from a data set containing a mixed population of diseased (sick) and healthy (healthy) individuals (as indicated in a column named DiseaseStatus), you could use the following simple WHERE expression:

WHERE DiseaseStatus = ‘sick’

Note: The word where has already been entered for you.

For more information about using filter fields, see The SAS WHERE Expression.