Processes | Genetics | Relationship Matrix to Compute

Relationship Matrix to Compute
Use this feature to specify the relationship metric you want to compute across all marker variables .
C ompute the probability of two individuals sharing the same copy of an allele (not necessarily inherited from the same ancestor).
This procedure uses the SAS Distance Procedure with Gower's Similarity Metric and a Range standardization (mean IBS across all markers) .
Note : If Identity By State is chosen, all SNPs must be polymorphic in order to avoid errors in the Distance Procedure as the Range at monomorphic loci is 0 and standardization cannot be done.
C ompute the probability of two individuals sharing the same copy of an allele (not necessarily inherited from the same ancestor).
This procedure uses the SAS Distance Procedure with Gower's Similarity Metric but without the Range Standardization.
To Specify the Relationship Matrix: