Processes | Workflows | Delete rows with Interquartile Range satisfying this expression

Delete rows with Interquartile Range satisfying this expression
Specify one or more filtering expressions to filter by IQR value. The IQR is the difference between the 75 th percentile (sometimes referred to as Q 3 ) and the 25 th percentile (sometimes referred to as Q 1 ). Use the keyword IQR .
Valid expressions include:
IQR GT xx (Greater Than)
IQR LT xx (Less Than)
IQR EQ xx (Equal to)
where xx is an integer that you specify.
Important : Do not use double quotation marks.
Example : To delete rows in which the interquartile range exceeds 10, specify IQR GT 10 in this field.
To Specify Rows to Delete:
Specify an option other than none for the Delete rows: parameter.