Appendixes | Clinical | Standardized MedDRA Queries Distribution

Standardized MedDRA Queries Distribution
This process compares distributions of SMQs across treatment arms .
What do I need?
This process requires AE and either DM or ADSL . Required variables include USUBJID and AEDECOD . AELLT is desirable, but optional.
In addition, several text files defining MedDRA terms are required. These include: mq_content.asc (lists preferred and lower level terms associated with the queries), smq_list.asc ( list of SMQs), pt.asc (lists preferred terms and codes), and llt.asc (lists lower-level terms and codes).
The output generated by this process is summarized in a tabbed report. Refer to the Standardized MedDRA Queries Distribution output documentation for detailed descriptions and guides to interpreting your results.