Processes | Utilities | Compare Data Sets

Compare Data Sets
This process uses SAS PROC COMPARE to compare data sets in two folders.
What do I need?
Data sets to be compared must be in two folders. You must also specify a Compare Parameters Data Set that lists the names of the data sets to compare, the variables , and the tolerance.
For a simple illustration, place the following data set (named A.sas7bdat ) in the first folder.
Place the following data set ( also named A.sas7bdat ) in the second folder. Notice the differences from the previous data set.
Finally, specify compareparameters.sas7bdat as the Compare Parameters Data Set , which is shown below .
For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Life Sciences software, see Files and Data Sets .
The output of this process consists of a Results window containing SAS output. Detailed comparison statistics are given for each observation .
Partial example output is shown below . Annotations have been made in red . Notice that the extra variable, extra observation, and value differences have been detected.