Parameters | Genetics | Criterion for Evaluating Sets of htSNPs

Criterion for Evaluating Sets of htSNPs
Use this parameter to specify how the set of htSNPs is chosen from the full set of diallelic markers.
Available choices are listed in the following table:
Proportion of Diversity Explained (See Clayton, 2002 1 for more information)
Rh-Squared Measure (See Stram et al., 2003 2 for more information)

Clayton, D. (2002). Choosing a Set of Haplotype Tagging SNPs from a Larger Set of Diallelic Loci. [ ].

Stram, D.O., C.A. Haiman, et al. (2003). Choosing Haplotype-Tagging SNPs Based on Unphased Genotype Data Using a Preliminary Sample of Unrelated Subjects with an Example from the Multiethnic Cohort Study. Human Heredity 55: 27 - 36.

To Specify the Criterion for Evaluating Sets of htSNPs: