Parameters | Import | SAS Code to Create Columns

SAS Code to Create Columns
Specify SAS statements in order to create design columns ( variables ) based on the physical names of the raw data files and array and channel indices.
Common SAS functions to use in these statements are substr() and scan() . A SAS variable named File is available that contains the name of the file. For example, length trt $ 8; trt = scan(File,1,"_"); creates a SAS character variable trt of length 8 whose values equal the string from the filename preceding the first underscore. You can also use the variable Array , which is a unique numerical index for each row, and a variable Channel when you have more than one channel. The specification is in this general form to provide you with maximum power and flexibility to create variables. If you are unfamiliar with this syntax, please refer to Base SAS language documentation or seek programming assistance.
To Specify SAS Code to Create Columns:
Type the code into the SAS Code to Create Columns text field.