JMP Genomics Starter | Genetics

Click on a subcategory to reveal individual genetics processes.
A wide or annotation data set , or both, depending on the process.
Note : SNP Power does not require an input data set.
Association tests that are not conducted at the genome level.
Estimation of unobserved haplotype frequencies, determination of haplotype from potential trait -influencing markers, and elucidation of markers determinate of haplotype diversity.
A specialized identical-by-descent (IBD) data set and either a pedigree or an annotation data set, depending on the process.
Construction and viewing of linkage maps, quantitative trait loci signal detection, construction of genotype probability data sets, and generation of interval mapping models.
Either an input cross file or the output file from another process in this subcategory. Some also require an annotation data set.
Summarizing and displaying categorical and quantitative population phenotypes ; analysis of multi- environment trial (MET) genotype-by-environment interaction.

Following the import of data (an Experimental Design File (EDF) is sometimes required), Tall and Wide Data Sets (which are SAS Data Sets ) are the most common primary Input Data Set s required throughout JMP Genomics. Less common are stacked , square , and other specialized varieties. (See Other Types of Data Sets .) In many cases, an additional Experimental Design Data Set (EDDS) , Annotation Data Set , or settings file is either specifiable or required. See Data Sets Used in JMP Genomics Processes and the documentation for individual processes for additional information.
See the JMP Genomics Starter main page for other process categories.