Appendixes | Rules for Study Names

Rules for Study Names
Study names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length, and must be unique.
Note: Although the case of your study name is retained, case differences alone do not make a study name unique. For example, if you previously registered “MYSTUDY”, you cannot create another study named “MyStudy” until you delete the “MYSTUDY” variant. Also note that while both spaces ( ) and underscores (_) are accepted in a study name, they are considered equivalent when determining uniqueness. For example, if you previously registered “My Study”, you cannot create another study named “My_Study” until you delete the “My Study” variant.
Acceptable Characters
Study names must start with a letter (A-Z a-z).
The second character through the second-last character can consist of:
letters: A-Z a-z
spaces (blanks)
special: ~ @ # - _ + .
The final character can be any of these, except for a period (.).
Caution: You should assume that characters not listed above are potentially problematic. Use them at your own risk.
Unacceptable Characters
The following characters have been verified as unacceptable:
special: ‘ ! $ % ^ & * ( ) = [ ] { } / \ | ; : ’ “ , < > ?