Parameters | Expression Parameters | LSMeans Control Levels

LSMeans Control Levels
Use the text field to specify the control/reference levels used to construct differences with all other levels.
To Specify the LSMeans Control Levels:
Select Differences with a Control as the LSMeans Difference Set to enable this option.
Type one or more levels in the text field. You must enclose each level in double quotation marks (“”) and separate multiple levels with spaces ( ).
To fit a time-only model, specify one level as "Tx", where x is the number of the time period. For example, type "T2" in the text field to make the second time period the control level. By default the first time period, "T1", is used as the control level.
To fit a treatment-only model, specify one level in double quotation marks. The default level is "Placebo" or "Pbo" if it is found (case insensitive). Otherwise, it is the last sorted level.
To fit a treatment-time interaction model, specify two different levels in double quotation marks separated by a space. For example, specify "DRUG2" "T2" to make DRUG2 and the second time period the control levels.