Parameters | Expression Parameters | PROC MIXED Statements

PROC MIXED Statements
Enter SAS PROC MIXED statements in this field to override default parameters for the model.
You can specify any PROC MIXED statement except for the PROC, BY, or RUN statements.
PROC MIXED statements are written in the following syntax:
Statement var1...varn;
Statement is the PROC MIXED statement,
var1...varn are the variables (or specific values) specified,
italicized items indicate a variable, or option to be specified,
the statement ends with a semicolon (;), and
Note: Variables specified here can come from either the adsl.sas7bdat or ae.sas7bdat data sets.
Examples of commonly used PROC MIXED statements are listed in the following table.
CLASS var1...varn;
names a single dependent variable and the fixed effects that determine the X matrix of the model
MODEL Response = <fixed effects>;
Note: In the Mixed Model Analysis analytical procedure, the data file and the EDDS are combined into a stacked SAS data set where all of the probe intensity values are combined into a single column that is named Response by default. Your PROC MIXED Model statement must use this variable name, as shown above.
RANDOM random effects;
LSMEANS fixed effects;
specifies the R matrix in the model
REPEATED <repeated effect>;
ESTIMATE ‘label’<fixed effect values> <|random effect values>;
To Specify One or More PROC MIXED Statements:
For Additional Information
Refer to the SAS documentation for PROC MIXED for more information.