A Y Function() function is used to draw smooth functions. The first argument is the expression to be plotted. The second argument is the name of the X variable in the expression.
win = New Window( "Sine Function",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 200, 100 ),
		X Scale( -10, 10 ),
		Y Scale( -1, 1 ),
		X Name( "x" ),
		Y Name( "Sine(x)" ),
		Y Function( Sine( x ), x ) ) );
Sine Wave
You can use For to overlap several sine waves:
win = New Window( "Overlapping Sine Waves",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 200, 100 ),
		X Scale( -10, 10 ),
		Y Scale( -1, 1 ),
		For( i = 1, i <= 4, i += .1,
			Y Function( Sine( x / i ), x )
Overlapping Sine Waves
Similarly, X Function() is for drawing a graph where the symbol is varied on the Y variable.
win = New Window( "Overlapping Sine Waves",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 100, 200 ),
		X Scale( -1, 1 ),
		Y Scale( -10, 10 ),
		For( i = 1, i <= 4, i += .2,
			X Function( Sine( y / i ), y )
Overlapping Sine Waves along the X-Axis
An XY Function() draws a smooth curve using a pair of formulas (parametric equations) that depend on a third variable. The third variable’s value is incremented from a minimum value to a maximum value to generate the X-Y pairs.
win = New Window( "Spiral",
	Graph Box(
		Pen Color( "red" ); // red line color
		xCenter = 50; // location of the center of the curve on the x axis
		yCenter = 50; // location of the center of the curve on the y axis
		minAngle = 0;
		maxAngle = Pi() * 2 * 20;
		XY Function(
			xCenter + ((ta / 3) * Cos( ta )),
			yCenter + ((ta / 3) * Sin( ta )),
			Min( minAngle ),
			Max( maxAngle ),
			Inc( Pi() / 100 )
In this example, Sin() and Cos() use ta as an argument (rotates) and as a factor (expands). (Sin() and Cos() use radians, not degrees.)
Spiral Parametric Plot
Contour Function() is an analogous way to represent a three-dimensional function in a two-dimensional space. The final argument specifies the value(s) for the contour line(s). The argument can be a value, an indexed range of values using ::, or a matrix of values.
win = New Window( "Bird's eye view of the egg carton function",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 300, 300 ),
		X Scale( -10, 10 ),
		Y Scale( -10, 10 ),
		Pen Color( "black" );
		Pen Size( 2 );
		Contour Function( Sine( y ) + Cosine( x ), x, y, (0 :: 20) / 5 );
		Pen Color( "red" );
		Pen Size( 1 );
		Contour Function( Sine( y ) + Cosine( x ), x, y, (-20 :: 0) / 5 );
Egg Carton Function
Normal Contour() draws normal probability contours for k populations and two variables. The first argument is a scalar probability or a matrix of probability values for the contours. Subsequent arguments are matrices to specify means, standard deviations, and correlations. The mean and standard deviation matrices have dimension k × 2. The correlation matrix should be k × 1, where the first row pertains to the first contour, the second row to the second contour, and so on. The first column is for x and the second column for y. Consider the following example:
Normal Contour(
	[ prob1,
	  prob3, ...],
	[ xmean1 ymean1,
	  xmean2 ymean2,
	  xmean3 ymean3, ...],
	[ xsd1 ysd1,
	  xsd2 ysd2,
	  xsd3 ysd3, ...],
	[ xycorr1,
    xycorr3, ...]);
The following script draws contours at probabilities 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.99 for two populations and two variables. The first population has x mean 0 and y mean 1, with standard deviation 0.3 along the x axis and 0.6 along the y-axis, and with correlation 0.5. The second has x mean 4 and y mean 6, with standard deviation 0.8 along the x axis and 0.4 along the y-axis, and with correlation 0.9.
win = New Window( "Normal Contours",
	Graph Box(
		X Scale( -5, 10 ),
		Y Scale( -5, 10 ),
		Normal Contour( [.1, .5, .7, .99], [0 1, 4 6], [.3 .6, .8 .4], [.5, .9] )
Normal Contour Function
Normal Contour() is a general way to accomplish effects such as Bivariate’s density ellipses. The Bivariate script in the Football.jmp sample data creates an example.
Gradient Function() fills a set of rectangles on a grid according to a color determined by the expression value as it crosses a range corresponding to a range of colors.
Gradient Function( expression, xname, yname, [zlow, zhigh], ZColor( [colorLow, colorHigh] ), <XGrid( min, max, incr )>, <YGrid( min, max, incr )>, <Transparency( t )>;
To implement Gradient Function(), use the following syntax:
[zlow, zhigh],
ZColor([colorLow, colorHigh])
<XGrid(min, max, incr),>
<YGrid(min, max, incr)> );
The ZColor() values must be numeric codes rather than names. You can use the color menu indices (such as 0=black, 1=grey, 2=white, 3=red, 4=green, and 5=blue) found in Specify Colors.
The following example uses Gradient Function() to create two animated graphs.
phase = 0.7;
win = New Window( "Gradient Function",
	a = Graph(
		Frame Size( 400, 400 ),
		X Scale( -5, 5 ),
		Y Scale( -5, 5 ),
		Gradient Function(
			phase * Sine( x ) * Sine( y ) + (1 - phase) * Cosine( x ) * Cosine( y ),
			[-1 1],
			zcolor( [0, 2] )
b = a[FrameBox( 1 )];
For( i = 1, i <= 5, i++,
	For( phase = 0, phase < 1, phase += 0.05,
		b << Reshow;
		Wait( 0.01 );
	For( phase = 1, phase > 0, phase -= 0.05,
		b << Reshow;
		Wait( 0.01 );
Gradient Function

Help created on 9/19/2017