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(Windows only) Sends one line to the end of the data feed queue. Queue Line is primarily useful for testing your script without requiring it to be attached to a device. You can essentially simulate the data coming from the device to make sure the rest of your code handles the values properly when it's really attached to a working device.
(Windows only) Assigns the script that is run each time a line of data is received.
exfeed = Open Datafeed(
	Connect( Port( "com1" ), Baud rate( 4800 ), Parity( even ), DataBits( 8 ) ),
	Set Script(
		ex = exfeed << Get Line;
		Show( ex );
exfeed << Write( "Ready" );
/* Example - send a message to external device over the serial port to trigger data messages. This can be used to send control messages to a sensor or other attached device.*/
exfeed = Open Datafeed(
	Connect( Port( "com1" ), Baud rate( 4800 ), Parity( even ), DataBits( 8 ) ),
	Set Script(
		ex = exfeed << Get Line;
		Show( ex );
exfeed << Write Lines( "Ready" );
/* Example - send a message to external device over the serial port to trigger data messages. This can be used to send control messages to a sensor or other attached device.*/
exfeed = Open Datafeed(
	Connect( Port( "com1" ), Baud rate( 4800 ), Parity( even ), DataBits( 8 ) ),
	Set Script(
		ex = exfeed << Get Line;
		Show( ex );
exfeed << Write Lines( {"Ready", "Set", "Go"} );
/* Example - send a message to external device over the serial port to trigger data messages. This can be used to send control messages to a sensor or other attached device.*/

Help created on 3/19/2020