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See Border Box in the for more information.
win = New Window( "Box Plot Seg Example",
Graph Box(
	Frame Size( 40, 180 ),
	Y Scale( 0, 100 ),
	Box Plot Seg(
		[20, 30, 40], // data
		[1, 1, 3], // frequencies
		[1, 1, 1], // weights
		1 // vertical
win = New Window( "Example",
	blb = Busy Light( <<Automatic( 1 ), Size( 50, 50 ) ) );
Constructs a button with the text title that executes script when clicked.
win = New Window( "Simple Example",
	ex = Button Box( "Press me" )
ex << Set Script( Print( "Pressed" ) );
See Button Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
New Window( "Calendar Box Example", cal = Calendar Box() );
date = Date MDY (10, 5, 1989);
cal << Date( date );
cal << Show Time( 0 ); // omit the time
cal << Min Date( Date Increment(date, "Day", -60, "start" ) );
// earliest date that can be selected is 60 days before 10/5/1989
// "start" truncates the value so the time is not included
cal << Max Date( Date Increment(date, "Day",  60, "start" ) );
// latest date that can be selected is 60 days after 10/5/1989
cal << Set Function( Function( {this}, Print( Abbrev Date(this << Get Date()) ) ) );
// print the abbreviated date to the log
See Calendar Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Returns 1 if the check box item specified by n is selected, or 0 otherwise.
Sets the check box item specified by n as either selected (1) or cleared (0).
Sets the check box item specified by n as either enabled (1) or disabled (0). The state of a disabled check box cannot be changed.
New Window( "Example", Check Box( {"one", "two", "three"}, <<Set( 1, 1 ) ) );
See Check Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
win = New Window( "Example",
	exx = 1;
	exy = 4;
	exz = 8;
	Table Box(
		String Col Box( "strings", {"x", "y", "z"} ),
		Col Box(
			Slider Box( 0, 10, exx, Show( exx ) ),
			Slider Box( 0, 10, exy, Show( exy ) ),
			Slider Box( 0, 10, exz, Show( exz ) )
an optional command that adds all columns of the current data table into the list. Omitting "all" results in an empty collistbox with the “optional” label. To display “optional character”, specify "character". To display “optional numeric”, specify "numeric".
an optional command that sets the width of the list box to pixels. Pixels is a number that measures pixels.
An optional number that only allows n columns to be added to the list.
An optional number that only requires at least n columns for the list. If n=2, the top two slots in the Col List Box an initial display of “required numeric” (or whatever you set the data type to be).
Overrides any tool tips set using Set Tips() function. If there is a tip set for the box, you cannot set tips for each individual item.
Using Set Tip() with no arguments clears the list box tip and allows the individual item tool tips to be displayed.
The maxSelected argument only affects whether one or more than one item can be selected. It does not enforce a limit greater than 1.
See Col List Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
win = New Window( "Col Span Box",
	Table Box(
		Col Span Box(
			"Confidence Limits",
			neb = Number Col Edit Box( "Upper limits", [0, 0] ),
			Number Col Edit Box( "Lower limits", [0, 0] )
See Col Span Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Any additional Dialog items (for example, Max Col, Datatype).
See Construct a Column Dialog in the Scripting Guide for more information.
See Combo Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" );
tri = Triangulation( X( :X, :Y ), Y( :POP ) );
{xx, yy} = tri << Get Points();
win = New Window( "Contour Seg Example",
	g = Graph Box(
		X Scale( Min( xx ) - .1, Max( xx ) + .1 ),
		Y Scale( Min( yy ) - .1, Max( yy ) + .1 ),
		Contour Seg(
			[0, 400, 1000, 2000, 9000],
			zColor( 5 + [64 32 0 16 48] ),
			Transparency( [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] )
See Filtering Display Boxes in the Scripting Guide for details and examples.
See Filtering Display Boxes in the Scripting Guide for details and examples.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
win = New Window( "Example", Data Table Box( dt ) );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
win = New Window( "Example",
	Table Box( Data Table Col Box( :name ), Data Table Col Box( :height ) )
Dialog is deprecated. Use New Window() with the Modal argument instead. See Convert Deprecated Dialog to New Window in the Scripting Guide for details.
Returns a display box containing the excerpt designated by the report held at number report and the list of display subscripts subscripts. The subscripts reflect the current state of the report, after previous excerpts have been removed.
Converts expr() to a picture as it would appear in the Formula Editor.
an optional command that sets the width of the box to pix. pix is a number that measures pixels.
Get Project( 1 ) << Get Window Title
// first open project
Get Project( "My Project" ) << Get Window Title
// first project named “My Project”
Get Project( display box ) << Get Window Title
// parent project of the specified display box
Get Project List() << Get Window Title
// list of all open projects
Returns a reference to a specific open window by title, index, or display box. By default, Get Window() returns windows from the current project (or no project when you’re not running the script from a project).
To limit the search to particular types of windows, use the Type () argument and one of these strings: "Data Tables", "Journals", "Reports", or "Dialogs".
Get Window( 1 ) << Get Window Title
// first window in the current project
Get Window( "Big Class" ) << Get Window Title
// Big Class window in the current project
Get Window( ob ) << Get Window Title
// parent window of specified display box in the current project
Get Window( Project(), 1 ) << Get Window Title
// first window, no project (global scope)
Get Window( Project( myProject ), "Big Class" << Get Window Title
// Big Class window in the specified project
Returns a list of currently open windows. By default, Get Window List() returns a list of currently open windows in the current project. You can return an open window list from something other than the current project by using the Project() argument. To limit the search to particular types of windows, use the Type () argument and one of these strings: "Data Tables", "Journals", "Reports", or "Dialogs".
To limit the search to particular types of windows, use the Type () argument and one of these strings: "Data Tables", "Journals", "Reports", or "Dialogs".
Get Window List() << Get Window Title
// list of open windows in the current project
Get Window List( Type( "Reports" ) ) << Get Window Title;
// list of open reports in the current project
Get Window List( Project( 0 ), Type( "Reports" ) ); // positional arguments
// list of open reports outside of a project
Get Window List( 2 );
// second window list
Constructs a box for editing global value directly.
See Global Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Properties can include: framesize(x, y), Xname("title"), Yname("title"), Zname("title").
Named property arguments: title("title"), XScale(low, high), YScale(low, high), FrameSize(h, v), XName("x"), YName("y"), SuppressAxes.
See Create New Graphs from Scratch and Customize Them and Graph Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
See H List Box and V List Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Returns a display box that arranges the display boxes provided by the arguments in a horizontal layout. The <<Hold() message tells the sheet to own the report(s) that is excerpted.
See H Sheet Box and V Sheet Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
H Splitter Box(<size(h,v)>, display box, <arguments>)
Specifies the proportions of the last panel. <<Size(.25) resizes the last panel to 25% the splitter box height (or width, for vertical splitter boxes).
Specifies the proportions of each panel. db<<Set Sizes({.75, .25}) sizes the first panel to 75% and the second panel to 25% of the splitter box height (or width, for vertical splitter boxes).
<<Close Panel(n, <Boolean>)
Closes the panel that you specify. <<Close Panel(2) closes the second panel. With three or more panels, you must include the second Boolean value. That value indicates which panel expands to fill the space left by the closed panel.
<<Close Panel(2,0) closes the second panel; the following sibling takes the extra space.
<<Close Panel(2,1) closes the second panel; the preceding sibling takes the extra space.
<<Open Panel(n, <Boolean>)
Opens the panel that you specify. With three or more panels, you must include the second Boolean value. Works similar to <<Close Panel described above. The panels are initially opened. You use <<Open Panel only after using <<Close Panel.
See H Splitter Box and V Splitter Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Constructs a node of a tree (similar to Diagram output) containing text. Hier Box can contain additional Hier Boxes, allowing you to create a tree. The text can be a Text Edit Box.
Icon Box( "Nominal" ) constructs a display box that contains the Nominal icon.
Icon Box( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/pi.gif" ) inserts the pi.gif sample image.
JMP Icon Names specifies the icon names.
1 displays the display boxes inside the If Box; if 0, does not display them.
lines = [30 20 80 70, 10 90 90 10, 40 20 60 30];
win = New Window( "Lines Seg Example",
	g = Graph Box( If Seg( true, <<Append( Lines Seg( lines ) ) ) )
Constructs a display box that displays the quoted string journal box. We recommend that you do not generate the journal text by hand.
See Journal Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
See Line Up Items in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Displays the matrix given in the usual array form.
Specifies the object that the user interacts with, such as a Text Box or Button Box. See the Scripting Index in the Help menu for details.
See Mouse Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
report = dt << Run Script( "Bivariate" );
project = New Project();
// move the report and data table to a new project
Move to Project( destination( project ), windows( {report} ) );
	New Image( "r", [r matrix] );
	New Image( "rgb", {[r matrix], [g matrix], [b matrix]} );
	New Image( "rgba", {[r matrix], [g matrix], [b matrix], [a matrix]} );
Creates bookmarks for frequently used files in the project. Existing bookmarks are retained. The argument is a list of bookmark items, each of which is specified using File(), Folder(), or Group(). Group() accepts File(), Folder(), and Group() as children. See Create a Bookmark Group in the Scripting Guide for an example of how to construct the arguments.
Sets the bookmarks for the project. Unlike Add Bookmarks, existing bookmarks are removed. The argument is a list of bookmark items, each of which is specified using File(), Folder(), or Group(). Group() accepts File(), Folder(), and Group() as children.
project = New Project();
project << Run Script(
	dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
	dt << Run Script( "Bivariate" );
	dt << Run Script( "Distribution" );
Creating Projects in the Scripting Guide.
Creates a new script window. The optional quoted string script is placed inside the script window.
Makes the new window a modal window, which prevents any other actions in JMP until the window is closed. If you do not include an OK or Cancel button, one is added automatically for you. Note: If used, this argument must be the second argument, directly after the window title. Available modal window arguments are:
<<On Open(expr) runs expr when the window is created.
Note: In data tables, On Open (or OnOpen) scripts that execute other programs are never run. Set the Evaluate OnOpen Scripts preference to control when the script is run.
<<On Close (expr) runs expr when the window is closed. Returns 0 if the window fails to close.
<<On Validate (expr) runs expr when the OK button is pressed. If it returns True, the window is closed otherwise the window remains open.
<<Return Result changes the window’s return value when it closes to match that of the deprecated Dialog() function.
Dialog() was deprecated in JMP 10. Use New Window() with the Modal argument instead. See Convert Deprecated Dialog to New Window in the Scripting Guide for details about using New Window().
Creates a column named title with numeric entries given in list or matrix form.
Creates a column named title with numeric entries given in list or matrix form. The numbers can be edited.
See Number Edit Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Creates a new outline named title containing the listed display boxes.
See Outline Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Creates a display box labeled with the quoted string title that contains the listed display boxes.
See Panel Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
New Window( "Example",
	Picture Box( Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/pi.gif", gif ) ) );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
win = New Window( "Platform example",
	H List Box(
			Bubble Plot(
				X( :weight ),
				Y( :height ),
				Sizes( :age ),
				Title Position( 0, 0 )
			Bubble Plot(
				X( :weight ),
				Y( :age ),
				Sizes( :height ),
				Title Position( 0, 0 )
Returns a display box labeled with the quoted string title to graph the numbers. The numbers can be either a list or a matrix.
x = [10, 50, 90];
y = [10, 90, 10];
win = New Window( "Poly Seg Example",
g = Graph Box( Poly Seg( x, y ) ) );
frame = g[FrameBox( 1 )];
seg = (frame << Find Seg( "Poly Seg" ));
See Popup Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
See Radio Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Range Slider Box() returns a display box that shows a range slider control that ranges from minValue to maxValue. As the two sliders' positions change, their values are placed into lowVariable and highVariable, and the script is run.
Returns the display tree of a platform obj. This can also be sent as a message to a platform:
Creates an x by y-sized scene box for 3-D graphics.
ex = Scene Display List();
ex << Color( .9, .9, .9 );
ex << Text( center, middle, .3, "Hello World" );
exScene = Scene Box( 600, 600 );
exScene << Background Color( 0 );
exScene << Show Arcball( always );
New Window( "See HelloWorld.jsl in sample scripts", exScene );
exScene << Perspective( 45, .2, 20 );
exScene << Translate( 0.0, 0.0, -4.5 );
exScene << Arcball( ex, 1.5 );
exScene << Update;
Constructs an editable box that contains the quoted string script. The editable box is a script window and can both be edited and run as JSL.
Scroll Box(<size(h,v)>, <flexible(Boolean)>, display box, ...)
Optional. The h and v arguments specify the size of the box in pixels.
<<Set Background Color( {R, G, B} | <color> )
<<Set Scrollers (h, v)
<<Get Scrollers
<<Set Scroll Position (h,v)
<<Get Scroll Position
<<Get Scroll Extents
win = New Window( "Example",
	sb = Scroll Box(
		Size( 150, 75 ),
		List Box(
			{"First Item", "Second Item",
			"Third Item", "Fourth Item",
			"Fifth Item"},
			width( 200 ),
			max selected( 2 ),
			nlines( 6 )
win << Set Window Size( 300, 200 );
sb << Set Scrollers( 1, 1 ); // enable both scroll bars
sb << Set Scroll Position( 0, 20 ); // position the scrollers on the scroll bar
win = New Window( "Shape Seg Example",
	Graph Box(
		Shape Seg(
			{Path( [10 10 1, 10 70 0, 70 70 0, 70 10 -3] ),
			Path( "M20,20 C20,60 60,60 60,20 Z" )},
			Row States( {Selected State( 1 ), Color State( "red" )} )
See H Sheet Box and V Sheet Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
You can send Set Width and Rescale Slider as commands to a slider object. For example:
ex = .6;
New Window( "Example", mybox = Slider Box( 0, 1, ex, Show( ex ) ) );
mybox << Set Width( 200 ) << Rescale Slider( 0, 5 );
See Slider Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Spacer Box(<size(h,v)>, <color(color)>)
Optional. The h and v arguments specify the size of the box in pixels.
See Spacer Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
win = New Window( "Example",
	Lineup Box(
		nb = Number Edit Box( 3 ),
		sb = Spin Box( Function( {value}, nb << Increment( value ) ) )
nb << Set Increment( 1 );
Use H Splitter Box() or V Splitter Box().
See H Splitter Box and V Splitter Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Creates column in the table containing the string items listed. The string boxes are editable.
data = obj << Get;
See String Col Edit Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
(Previously called Tab List Box.) Creates a tabbed window pane. The arguments are an even number of items alternating between the name of a tab page and the contents of the tab page.
Certain messages you can send to Tab Page Box have been renamed, as follows:
Set Title to Title
Set Tip to Tip
Set Icon to Icon
Set Closeable to Closeable
New Window( "Example",
	Tab Box(
		t1 = Tab Page Box( Title( "alpha" ), Panel Box( "panel", Text Box( "text" ) ) ),
		t2 = Tab Page Box( Title( "beta" ), Popup Box( {"x", ex = 1, "y", ex = 2} ) ),
See Tab Box and Tab Page Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
See Tab Box and Tab Page Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Creates a report table with the display boxes listed as columns.
See Text Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
See Text Edit Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
project = New Project();
project << Save( "$DOCUMENTS/Test Project.jmpprj" );
project << Run Script(
	New Window( "Project Title",
		Text Box(This Project() << Get Window Title())
Tree Box(<{rootnodes}>, <size(width, height)>, <MultiSelect>)
Specifies the names for the root nodes created by Tree Node() which the box contains.
If you send a root node that contains one or more nodes with the Set Node Select Script defining a collapse message, then Mac runs the script twice. Windows doesn’t run the script. This behavior on Macintosh doesn’t just affect increments. Any script runs twice. It will print to the log twice, create a column twice, try to delete something twice, and so on.
tri = Triangulation(
	X( [0 0 1 1], [0 1 0 1] ),
	Y( [0 1 2 3] )
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" );
tri = Triangulation( X( :X, :Y ), Y( :POP ) );
See H List Box and V List Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
Returns a display box that arranges the display boxes provided by the arguments in a vertical layout. The <<Hold() message tells the sheet to own the report(s) that is excerpted.
See H Sheet Box and V Sheet Box in the Scripting Guide for more information.
V Splitter Box(<size(h,v)>, display box, <arguments>)
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" );
New Window( "Example",
	H Splitter Box(
		Size( 800, 300 ),
		wb = Web Browser Box( "" ),
		dt << Run Script( "Bubble Plot Region" )
wb << Set Auto Stretching( 1, 1 ); // auto stretch horizontally and vertically
wb << Set Max Size( 10000, 10000 ); // maximum size in pixels
The <a href> target “_blank” opens the web page in a new Internet Explorer window. The <a href> target “_new” opens the web page in the active Internet Explorer tab.

Help created on 3/19/2020