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Use the slider and value to Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than the specified value in the table. Suppressed values appear dimmed according to the setting specified by Dim Text.
Use the Dim Text slider and value to control the table’s font transparency gradient for factor values less in absolute value than the specified Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than value.
Figure 8.7 Unrotated Factor Loading with Dim Text Controls
The first test is for H0: No common factors. This null hypothesis indicates that none of the common factors explain the intercorrelations among the variables. This test is Bartlett’s Test for Sphericity, whose null hypothesis is that the correlation matrix of the factors is an identity matrix (Bartlett, 1954).
The second test is for H0: N factors are sufficient, where N is the specified number of factors. Rejection of this null hypothesis indicates that more factors might be required to explain the intercorrelations among the variables (Bartlett, 1954). The Criterion is the log likelihood objective function value.
Use the slider and value to Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than the specified value in the table. Suppressed values appear dimmed according to the setting specified by Dim Text.
Use the Dim Text slider and value to control the table’s font transparency gradient. The lower the value, the more transparency the font for factor values less in absolute value than the specified Suppress Absolute Loading Values Less Than value.
Figure 8.8 Rotated Factor Loading with Dim Text Controls

Help created on 3/19/2020