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Double-click on a histogram bar, or right-click on a histogram bar and select Subset. A new data table that contains only the selected data is created.
Click on the red triangle next to the variable, and select Histogram Options. Options are slightly different depending on the variable modeling type. See Options for Categorical Variables or Options for Continuous Variables.
the Set Bin Width option
the Increment option
Select Tools > Grabber.
The Set Bin Width option is a more precise way to set the width for all bars in a histogram. To use the Set Bin Width option, from the red triangle menu for the variable, select Histogram Options > Set Bin Width. Change the bin width value.
The Increment option is another precise way to set the bar width. To use the Increment option, double-click on the axis, and change the Increment value.
Figure 3.6 Highlighting Bars and Rows
Related Information 

Help created on 3/19/2020