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In JMP 13, if you pass Tab Page Box() to Tab Box<<Add, <<Append, <<Insert, or <<Replace, the result is Tab Page Box() contained with a Tab Page Box(), because these functions wrap the provided content.
Tab Box << Add( <index>, Tab Page Box(...) );
Tab Box << Insert( <index>, Tab Page Box(...) );
Tab Box << Append( <index>, Tab Page Box(...) );
Tab Box << Replace( <index>, Tab Page Box(...) );
If the Allow Boolean and Null Constraints preference has been turned on in a script, you cannot use true, false, and null as variable names.
The Normal Mixtures message no longer works in K Means Cluster scripts now that K Means has been separated from Normal Mixtures.
Normal Mixtures(
	Y( :Sepal length, :Sepal width, :Petal length, :Petal width ),
	{Mixtures Tolerance( 0.00000001 ), Mixtures MaxIter( 300 ),
	Mixtures N Starts( 30 ), Outlier Cluster( 0 ), Diagonal Variance( 0 ),
	Number of Clusters( 3 ), Go}
The Weighting() and Centering and Scaling() arguments for an SVD analysis in Text Explorer are now required. To avoid having a Specifications window appear, update Text Explorer scripts to include Weighting() and Centering and Scaling() arguments in the Latent Semantic Analysis() argument. The Maximum Number of Terms() and Minimum Term Frequency() arguments are also required to avoid the Specifications window.
The order of the first two arguments to Least Squares Solve() has switched; the response vector is now the first argument, and the design matrix is the second argument. Also, Least Squares Solve() now includes an intercept term by default. Use the optional nointercept message to specify a model without an intercept.
Maximum() and Minimum() no longer work on a list of strings. As an additional note, Maximum() and Minimum() for strings never actually worked. It returned the last one in the list.
To add a transform column to a custom display box, use Filter Col Selector() instead of Col List Box(). You also don’t need to use Column Reference.
A tree box Set Node Select Script message might need special attention if the JSL will run on both Windows and Macintosh. In a nested tree with a child selected under a collapsed parent node, the script will not be called on Windows and will be called twice on Macintosh.

Help created on 3/19/2020