Descriptions of the Model Specification Options describes the options in the red triangle menu next to Model Specification.
Select Edit > Submit to SAS.
See the Using JMP book.
See the Using JMP book.
Note: This option appears only for certain personalities or if REML is selected as the method in the launch window.
Depending on the model choice, the Convergence Settings menu includes the following options:
Default values for the Maximum Iterations and Convergence Limit are 100 and 0.00000001, respectively. You can click on these values to enter new values for these limits. If you have a very large data set or a complicated model, you might want to limit the number of iterations. If your model does not readily converge, you might want to either increase the Maximum Iterations or increase the Convergence Limit.
In the Effect Tests report, each continuous main effect with missing values will have Nparm = 2. In the Parameter Estimates report, the parameter for a continuous main effect with missing values is labeled <colname> Or Mean if Missing and the indicator parameter is labeled <colname> Is Missing. Prediction formulas that you save to the data table are given in terms of expressions corresponding to these model parameters.
In the Parameter Estimates report, the parameter for a nominal effect is labeled <colname>[ ]. For an ordinal effect, the parameter is labeled <colname>[-x], where x denotes the level with highest value ordering.